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Paredes Photography
Recent Activity
Paredes Photography is now following Emily
Jan 31, 2012
What a great list Emily! Much better than a New Year's resolution, you have clearly outlines your goals for 2012. I think we should all do something like this which we can re-read whenever we lose our way or get worried/stressed in our day to day lives.
You have definitely inspired me to do a similar list and to also try and start a blog as I've wondered if I should do something like this for a while now.
I will continue to follow your blog and look forward to your future posts.
All the best, Pete
12 for 2012
I wrote about my 12 aims for 2012 over on my photography blog but I wanted to share it here too, particularly as number 3 is all about this blog! My list is about me, my family and my business. 12 for 2012 1. Have a holiday or two!. {We haven't had a holiday longer than about 3 days for a ...
Paredes Photography is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2012
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