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Heey. I'm Annabelle from Germany. Hey everyone. I'm a Huge Paris Hilton Fan since i'm in the second class. I'm so inspirated and amazed by her. She makes my day great and she makes me happy even if i see a Picture of her!Paris inspires me in everything she does. no mather what she does, I will always love , adore and support her! Paris will have a special place in my heart forever. I hope my biggest dream , to meet Paris , will come true soon. It would makes me to the happiest girl in world. Love you. Xoxo, Annabelle.
Interests: Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton and Paris Hilton. :) <3
Recent Activity
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 17, 2011
sorry for my bad english!
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris Hilton! Today is a very special day because today it's your birthday! At first i want to wish you a happy birthday: happy happy happy birthday! I hope your birthday is perfect! You deserve a perfect birthday and also much more than this! because you are such a huge rolemodel to me and to all #littlehiltons , you give us strength and confident! Thank you so much! You are so beautiful in and outside. and you're such a huge inspiration and much more! You mean the world to me and you make me happy if i'm sad! soo, thank you again! I wish you with all my heart that you'll have the most amazing birthday. I love you sooooooo damn much! Huge hugs and kisses, your fan Annabelle!
Feb 17, 2011
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 22, 2010
Loves it ! You two are the cutest sisters ever. Love you.
Toggle Commented Oct 22, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Heey @ParisHilton . Every night i look at the sky, there's a big star who gives me strength. In this star i see you. You make me happy if i'm sad. If i fall you help me to stand up again. You make me strong and you give me the energy that i need. Paris, you mean so much to me. I can't discribe how much. You are such a sweet and nice person and you have a heart of gold. It's so kind of you that you always reply to your fans on Twitter. You make them so happy with that. It's also kind of you how lovely you are with your animals and how much you help so much animals, which need help. I admire that! Sometimes people come to me and say me : ,, Why do you love Paris Hilton? She's silly. She doesn't works and gets her money from her parents.´´ But that isn't right ! I hate it if people think so. That makes me sad. I think they are just jealous of your fame and your beauty. I see in you an intelligent businesswoman who works hard for her moneyy and who enjoys her live. That inspires me. But not only that. You inspire me in everything you do. No matter what you do : You are my favorite model, my favorite actress, my favorite singer, my favorite designer etc. You are my favorite in everything. You are perfect for me. Since i'm 7 years old, you are my biggest rolemodel and inspiration. You are the most beautiful woman and the most amazing businesswoman. A life without you is like: The oceans without water, Just another stupid hole in the ground. A life without you is like: The night sky without the stars or the moon, Just hours of Darkness. A life without you is like: A book without words! Me without lungs...! I'm so proud to be a #LittleHilton , i have really much reasons why i'm so proud to be a #LittleHilton ! Thanks so much for everything. You give me confident! You give me strength! And you make me happy! You're my sunshine. Thank you. Thank you. thank you. thank you and thank you. Paris, my biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would be the happiest girl if this dream comes true. Princess Paris Whitney Hilton, I love you so much, I love you like crazy, i love you to death - always and forever. xoxo, annabelle.
Oct 16, 2010
ParisHFan_ is now following Account Deleted
Oct 13, 2010
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
great pic. That's Hot. Paris is hot !!!! <3
Oct 13, 2010
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
i adore this beauty, i adore this pic & most importantly i adore this amazing woman. Love you so much Princess Paris.
Oct 13, 2010
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
So cute ! ♥
Oct 13, 2010
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hey Pretty Princess Paris. I'm so glad because you had fun last night ! If you're happy i'm happy too. btw: You looked so hot last night with your amazing sister Nicky. You two looks always hot. Love you. Xoxo, Annabelle.
Oct 13, 2010
Wooow. I think it's Huge and i'm sure Paris also thinks it's Huge ! ;)
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
ParisHFan_ shared a video on YouTube at Paris Hilton
Oct 11, 2010
Good morning Paris & #LittleHiltons ! Hope everyone has an amazing start in a new week. Love y'all. xoxo, Annabelle. Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at Paris Hilton
ParisHFan_ added a photo at Paris Hilton
I hope Paris & The #LittleHiltons are having an amazing weekend ! Have much fun and a great saturday ! Love y'all. xoxo PS : I love this Paris Photo. Paris lookes Perfect like always ! <3
Sep 25, 2010
Cute !
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
You're right, Hannah ! It makes me also sad that they are not posting about Paris.
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
Paris is so pretty !
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
ParisHFan_ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Sep 25, 2010
So cute !
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton