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ParisHiltonVZLA added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris .. To begin, I want to congratulate you because you look fantastically beautiful with babies! I think I want one Nephew of you lol .. I also love that you liking to do community work for people needed for the children with cancer I have I done 16 years and work in a community of children with cancer with low income and do not know is a love! I love how sweet they are with people and that too awareness helps .. Anyway you always write and never get tired because you the best and the sweetest most beautiful you are my everything could say .. I'm your fan since I was very young I remember the first time I heard of your existence was in "The Simple Life" with Nicole and my parents always told me not to see that program because he was unfit for my age (Obviously I kept seeing) because loved your sense of humor with nicole! Then I started find more about you, and become more fan now in this time every day looking for news about you, I have your perfumes and creams and I support you 100%! Thank you for visiting in my life because I really do very very happy. I hate people who see you in a negative way because of the yellow press, they invented many things wrong but your as good princess get up alone and you show you ARE PARIS HILTON AND CAN MAKE YOU EXCEED ONE! Give me many forces but by the time I fall again lift! I trust you, I believe in you and that these changing party that woman is becoming more home would be more because your turn is coming! Like obviously I would love to party with you lol Now obviously will study medicine here in Venezuela, but just finish the race will go to the U.S. because here there is almost no source of employment or anything, then he gains beyond better and be closer to cumplr my dream to meet you! When a famous doctor will be friends (dream) hahaha And who says no? Well, anything is possible in this world! I can be your doctor do not get paid and I will try with much love:) HAHAHA You'll be my darling ok? Tell me what you think! Another thing, forgive my bad English .. do you know that in my country Venezuela speak Spanish and I have very little knowledge in English I hope you understand and do not be hard to read me :( I wanted to know if some day come to Venezuela? You know many people here love you no ..? You have to come let me know and we will gladly give you a tour here and then dinner at my house with my family they love you too! But I live in San Cristobal is a small town near Colombia .. I know that here hope will not fail us! My dream is to meet you and I I'm going to comply because possibly estudiare languages (as was noticed spoke English badly, apologize for that) and then go to USA to study languages and there will study medicine or psychology do you think? I love your animals especially the dog PETER PAN more beautiful and adorable and seen me eat it! hahaha I do not think I ever would release .. this passion of yours by I love animals because I am so ... Well I hope that you see if you read me please! If not I'll keep writing .. Thank you for being you, and come into my life, you are my example to continue forever, will support and will always be by your side not only as a FAN but as my friend because you trust .. Here you have a small Venezuelan BFF! NO DISTANCE SEPARATING THE FRIENDS THAT IS CLEAR <3 I LOVE YOU 4EVER! Xoxo Daya.. @ParisHiltonVZLA @DayannaN22 :* PD: Inconsistent with the FORGIVE MY ENGLISH! Teach English haha you'll be the best teacher you say?
Oct 26, 2010
ParisHiltonVZLA added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 24, 2010
Love it! Muchisimas gracias <3 xoxo
Toggle Commented Oct 25, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
ParisHiltonVZLA added a photo at Paris Hilton
My Baby Paris!; I wish I could be near you, talk, look at you, hold you and be your friend! or at least for now I'll settle with you read this? hahaha Well, I tell you that and tried to write several times but do not agree .. So here I am trying it again! and I will do it until you read or even know that I am that I am one more who loves you, admire you, you want to be like you and does not want to see you suffer more! Let's start with how I knew you: When I was younger I always woke up early to watch "The Simple Life" I loved it! and I looked behind my parents because they said it was not an appropriate program for my age .. lol I saw all the seasons of the simple life and always said he wanted to be like you! (Although I say it) obviously before you had heard about but did not stop a lot .. Then you began to be much more recognized with your perfumes and all that which I always buy sexy to smell like you! Now that I have more old understand things and see more news for you and hate you sink, and bury you in those stupid tabloid news and all the bloody things, what I love about you is that so you want to break your will prove you can stand up alone to have the courage to face things and show your command and you are the princess paris! It hurts to see these things and causes me to insult all those reporters and journalists just for you! hahahaha Now obviously will study medicine here in Venezuela, but just finish the race will go to the U.S. because here there is almost no source of employment or anything, then he gains beyond better and be closer to cumplr my dream to meet you! When a famous doctor will be friends (dream) hahaha And who says no? Well, anything is possible in this world! I can be your doctor do not get paid and I will try with much love:) HAHAHA You'll be my darling ok? Tell me what you think! Another thing, forgive my bad English .. do you know that in my country Venezuela speak Spanish and I have very little knowledge in English I hope you understand and do not be hard to read me: ( I want to know anything else .. When you come to Venezuela? I would like you to come to Venezuela - San Cristóbal and present your new collection of bags I could help you in everything! just trust me I will never ever betray ok? Paris please let me be your BFF LOL I wish every day (which most wanted, a Sexy Latina BFF: P And Well there are so many things I want to say but I do my homework in chemistry: (I leave this sentence that I hope you like: "WHEN YOU LOOK BACK PAIN AND FEAR YOU LOOKING FORWARD, LOOKING TO THE LEFT OR RIGHT AND I WILL BE THERE BESIDE YOU FOREVER <3 I LOVE YOU FOREVER! ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL HAVE A LITTLE FRIEND VENEZUELAN IN YOUR SIDE AND YOU CAN TRUST THAT YOU NEVER FAIL ME THAT! Day @ ParisHiltonVZLA xoxo
Oct 9, 2010
ParisHiltonVZLA added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Oct 9, 2010
Dear beautiful paris. Here I am again writing and trying to get your read me! So .. I admire you very much! do not know how, because everyone you paparazzi and the press and people will want to see fall,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2010 at Paris Hilton
ParisHiltonVZLA added a photo at Paris Hilton
My Princess.. I have 1 million words to tell you! but can not tell you everything here! so .. You are one of the finest people in my heart, I know it's hard for me to know or be in contact with you and it hurts a lot but I have not lost hope I live in a small town in Venezuela and good I want to tell you that you're the best, you're a Princess, a business woman, a model so you always in my heart I wish you the best god bless you in all your life .. and believe me as I hate being pulled up in the tabloids and invent things about you makes me want to insult them all ha ha! Venezuela loves you! and I too:) I hope you read me because I'll be happy! hahaha oh and I have all your perfumes are very sexy like you!!! Aah sorry my bad English :( i love yoooooou! Tu eres la rubia mas hermosa de latinoamerica y el mundo :D you're the most beautiful blonde in latinoamerica y el mundo :D Loves you: Daya <3
Aug 8, 2010
ParisHiltonVZLA is now following Paris Hilton
Aug 8, 2010
ParisHiltonVZLA is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 8, 2010