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Wilf Seymour
San Jose California
Director of Food and Beverage at California's Great America. I have worked at large resorts and hotels all over Canada and really look forward to meeting people and making this the best place to eat as well as ride coasters. We are in the fun business and food should be just as much fun as a ride so enjoy the day and help us have as much fun as you in the park.
Recent Activity
Hi Nick, the hot dog stand on International is still there and features foot long hot dogs and sausages. The new location in the Alpen area features all beef hot dogs, chicken sausage and veggie dogs topped with some amazing items like smoked beef, jalapeno chips, spicy chili and more. Look forward to see you there one day!
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2012 on Alpen Top Dog Photo Shoot 2012 at Park Chef
Wilf Seymour is now following Amanda Rettke
Oct 6, 2010
Wilf Seymour is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I love macaroons, but just looking at the photos put weight on me, so I like your quote: what's weight got to do with it? My weight does not define me. My weight is not what I believe in. My weight does not change me as a person. My weight is not who I am. BTW I would love to see a chocolate Macaroon with an Ice Wine Champagne filling. Since it is winter and I love Chocolate, Champagne and Ice wine.
1 reply
Wilf Seymour is now following Zachary Quinto
Sep 23, 2009