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Tracy Parlett
Recent Activity
beautiful colorful cards!
i guess my greatest achievement is raising two amazing kids - who are wonderful, interesting and talented (not to mention crazy funny) in their own right, but also who are grateful, kind and thoughtful people. They're always there for us (as we were there for them growing up) and I think that's pretty darned wonderful.
I'd give my 96 year old Aunt a huge hug - she's a tough customer but she's having some health issues right now and she's far away from where i live.
so adorable and clever! that fox is just the cutest thing and what kid wouldn't like to make that fox or the plane?
my favorite post of the month - Monthly Moments! This month is just over the top wonderful - I can't wait. In particular i love the added bonus of the snowflakes with the month die. The colors are perfect and the journal pad so beautiful. Oh and that journal die! omg! what i love about all these products is that you can use them with everything- classic. also - the tiny strips 2 - yay! and betsy's little house addition - more yay!
my favorite day of the countdown - Monthly Moments. This month has to be my favorite of all (kinda like "this years tree is the best tree ever" LOL!) seriously i'm loving everything and can't wait to receive mine - its going to make scrapbooking the holidays so much fun Heather
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2014 on monthly moments: december at pine is here.
1 reply
Love everything this month (i love the Monthly Moments every month LOL!)
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2014 on monthly moments: november at pine is here.
1 reply
LOVE LOVE LOVE the type strips! And the Monthly Moments for this month looks wonderful - can't wait to get the Journal Card 6 too.
i'm so intrigued by the Type Strips - can't wait to see more about that. The PomPomPals - soooo adorable and the Fair Isle looks lovely. Love the Banner card and looking forward to seeing more of the New Year set; finally - looking forward to almost completing the Birthday Classics series :-)-- oops almost forgot the mini sketched stars - the size is what i've been looking for
wonderful, as always :-) I'm so looking forward to seeing this month's Monthly Moments - loving that Journal Card 6 die
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Pretty traditional here - red & green with silver or gold BUT non-traditional - aqua and red. There's always red. I was going thru a store yesterday and there were so many wrapping papers already out and the ones that jumped out at me were ones with red and metallic (gold & silver)
the Canned set and tasting die look wonderful - i love the stamps and adding the spoons soooo cute
love the songbirds - and i love you thought to provide mirror images of the birds. so many times i have wished for that with certain sets.And the song banners - love them!
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2014 on Introducing Songbirds at {capture the moment}
loving the phrase play 9 (great for cards and scrapbooking for starters) and that gorgeous poinsettia set
i am so excited to see your travel set this month Dawn - I always love your sentiments (the fonts you choose as well as the words) - and these suitcases omg - perfect! and I've loved every month thus far in the Birthday Classics series.
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adorable pincushion and yummy card!
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2014 on MFT July New Product Launch! at PaperFections
1 reply
such happy happy cards!
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2014 on Celebrate You... and then some! at Poppy Paperie
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such soft pretty colors in your cards
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2014 on MFT's July New Product Launch at A Bit East-coast
1 reply
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your card is beautiful- the recipient will feel the love and care. My condolences to your family.
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Tracy Parlett is now following Babsarella
Feb 16, 2014
After being together for 32 years (29 of them married)- there isnt one moment - there are countless moments where I am reminded of what true love is - from the births of our children, to deaths of family members and all the small stuff in between.
I would love to win one of your stamps! Random tidbit: I'm about to enter into my own little creative endeavor and hope I have a 20 year run like yourself - Congrats!
wow Prom already? Little B looks B-eautiful :-) now graduation must be around the corner...
Tracy Parlett is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 9, 2011