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Pasquale Borriello
1 Wife 3 Kids 1 Dog - Account Director ART ATTACK native adv Biz Dev netnoc
Interests: marketing, advertising, logic, blog, social networks, philosophy, apple, social media, iphone, snapchat, content marketing, technology, machine learning
Recent Activity
Pasquale Borriello is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I don't agree with you Massimo. Well, not completely. I get your point when you write "I would have probably destined the 40k to something more useful, sustainable and really helpful" but keep in mind that those children in Nosy Komba do have a decent life, already.
The question is: is a computer really better than a pair of shoes?
I do not have an answer for that. Yet.
Sense and Meaning of "One Laptop per Child OLPC" Project in Madagascar
Last Summer I stayed for 2 weeks in a Local Village in Madagascar, on the island of Nosy Komba (literally "The Island of Monkeys"). There, a group of French Students from OLPC France and Stefano Palazzi manage to provide young students with laptops for educational purposes. Those students li...
Sense and Meaning of "One Laptop per Child OLPC" Project in Madagascar
Last Summer I stayed for 2 weeks in a Local Village in Madagascar, on the island of Nosy Komba (literally "The Island of Monkeys"). There, a group of French Students from OLPC France and Stefano Palazzi manage to provide young... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2009 at paz on TypePad
Hi Favianna, it was great to meet you at the Graphic Roots of Revolution Blitz Party.
I am Pasquale Borriello (paz) and I work for ART ATTACK ADV, the agency who gave the location for yesterday's performance and is working hard for the promotion of Graphic Roots of Revolution. Check the Facebook page:
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
I'm in Rome, Italy at the House of Love & Dissent for another great show - accompanied by an all start team of artists from the US: John Carr of the YO! What Happened to Peace show, Jon Paul Bail & Brianna Lengel Bail of Political Gridlock, Orlando Reyes, Paul Barron, Winston Smith, & Carol Well...
The Halo Effect or on the importance of being (perceived as) cool
Last night I discovered the Apple Peeler Corer Slicer machine: oh my gooodness how cool it is! It is not what it is, how it looks or what it actually does: it's all about the halo effect I perceived. This... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2009 at paz on TypePad
Pasquale Borriello has shared their blog paz on TypePad
Oct 2, 2009
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