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Pat Schmucki Barker
Recent Activity
Predictions are that it will be huge with it being a Saturday and nice outside! Have a great time!
A Wee Bit 'O Irish Fun
Courtesy of Buckeye Photo I come from a Cleveland Irish clan, so St. Patrick’s Day is sacred – well, sacred fun! I remember being so excited when my grandparents would take me out of school for the day to travel downtown for the Cleveland parade. Afterward, we would jam into a bustling rest...
Mohican Adventure
The beauty and lush hills of the Mohican area surprised and delighted my sister and her family who visited from Houston recently. We were on our way to the Mohican Lodge and Conference Center, which sits in a woodland setting overlooking the peaceful Pleasant Hill Lake. The lodge overlooks Pleasant Hill Lake. Once we arrived, the kids headed straight to the outdoor pool, which is a nice size and offers plenty of deck space and lounge chairs. Every once in a while, the kids would run inside the lodge, cross the hall, jump into the indoor pool, hit the sauna... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
Rediscovering Cleveland's West Side
As we approached West Park Station, I was amazed to see a bevy of activity and a host of renovated buildings. We found our group sitting half in and half out as the bar opened up to the sidewalk patio on Lorain Road. Oh, it was good to be in Cleveland. Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
Burger Bites
I don’t eat a lot of burgers, so when I do, I want them to be special. The Thurman Burger - Photo: George Motz Of course, you can’t talk about burgers in Columbus without mentioning Thurman Café in German Village. While my taste is usually basic (quality meat, lettuce, tomato, mayo), I do go for Thurman’s mushroom and swiss version, which is pretty simple when compared to many of their other choices (Thermanator, Macedonian, Hot and Spicy Salsa, etc.). While most Rusty Bucket (nine locations throughout Ohio) diners order the Bucket Bites (munchie sliders w/ pickle chips, onions and cheese... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at DiscoveringOhio
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Jan 24, 2011
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