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Lisa Kate
I'm Lisa Kate, lover of colour, artful messes and design.
Recent Activity
After just completing a round of Lean and Strong I can truely say that weight training is king !!!! The changes to my body have been nothing short of amazingm, I FEEL amazing.... and gosh I havn't missed the tready one little bit!!!
Toggle Commented May 23, 2012 on A Time to Learn at from somewhere in my imagination
Friendship is a funny thing. It can be beautiful and it can be darn hard work. I'm always happy when a new friendship pops into my life and it feels effortless. I've been reminded this week on so many levels about the good and wonderful relationships in my life. Being... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
I'll let you in on a little secret ..... I like doing things myself. I'm not all that good and handing things over for someone else to do. It's not that I think they can't do it (well sometimes it is) it's just I like control. Self confessed control freak... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
My girls and I have been working hard lately. They wanted to "work like mum" and also earn a little pocket money, and it will come as no surprise to anyone that I love to make pretty things and I LOVE parties. So together we have started a little family... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Ten reasons why today is amazing I have a new little kitty cat, who likes to snooze on my lap while I work The leaves on the trees are just starting to turn pretty red I have a soy latte in hand My son thinks it's ok to be just... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Another Brithday in this house, this time for our littlest one. Liv turned nine, with much excitement. This girl lives for any kind of celebration, wether it's for her or the people she loves, so it's extra special when it is her turn and we get to spoil her. Her... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
L Lately we have been really focusing on making our weekends really count. Rather than spend the whole time doing chores, or a bit more renovating we have been planning fun things to do for at least one of the days. It's so easy to not bother, especially when we... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
I love birthdays.... I don't care whether it's mine (which by the way usually includes a full week of celebrations) or a family members, I just love them, AND I love birthday parties. Something about celebrating one special person for one day all of their own that to me is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Lilliana turned Twelve last week and what a year it has been. Watching her grow from a child into a young lady has had her Dad and I shaking our heads at times wondering where our quiet introverted child has gone. And we have been cheering her all the way.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Pretty much sums it up really doesn't it. I've always been very proactive is doing EVERYTHING I can to ensure I am in the least amount of pain, have the most mobility I can and generally cope well with my RA. I have been *mostly* responsible at taking my medication... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Pretty much sums up what this kid loves. OK - he loves more than that, you need to add reading (Mathew Riley is a firm fave), music , history, peanut butter cups, coke zero, wearing layers of jumpers even in summer, soccer, any food made with mince, cheese.... lots of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
My Lilli..... almost 12 and so very grown up. She has a mind of her own and is very strong willed (kinda like her mumma). But she is also very quiet and dare I say the *s* word? shy, always has been. Our middle child sometimes struggles with finding her... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2012 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
This year our Christmas was very very different. It involved just the five of us, in our own home - the WHOLE day!!! It was amazing, a true gift to us.... it was just what we needed. The decision to have our own Christmas was one that was very difficult... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
My littlest one is having a bit of a rough time dealing with some hard stuff that has happened this year. Our car accident, my injuries resulting from that accident, the sudden deaths of people she knew, mummy having to go away quickly and with no notice - lots of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
We have had our fair share of birthday parties in the last few months. I'm always searching for a great gift idea, and generally after having a good think and searching the stores more and more often I come back to making something. Something special just for the recipient. Something... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
It seems the last few weeks, there has been a large amount of dressing up around this house. We have had book week, gold rush day, a dress up birthday party and also a dancing eisteddfod... Lots of fun!!! Here are some of the pictures. Miss Alice in Wonderland An... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
I have a pile of pretty scraps of paper. They usually end up on a mixed media project but after making a few cards for some very helpful friends, I thought it might be fun to share with you how to put together a pretty, scrappy, stitchy card. Because I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
I can't just jump back to this blog and it's regular crafty/arty/mummy program without one very important post, a post I have been avoiding for a week. I don't really know what to say. All I know is that when I look down at my arm and see my Tattoo... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
That's pretty much the best way to describe what happened in my kitchen on Sunday afternoon. Gathering as much inspiration as possible from these two blog posts Here and Here (found via Pinterest) and with a very willing partner in crime aka My Husband. We set about to make it... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
"It's just paper and glue people!!" is a common saying I use all the time. Generally when there is a little princess action happening in the scrapbooking world. It's become something my friends and I just banter about, and what it really means is "get some priority". Today I was... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Ohhhhh, yes yes and yes!!!!! WE sound like we have very similar approached to feeding our kids . I have one *picky* eater..... the others we have worked very hard, and encouraged a whole heap, and NOT made a drama out of food... they will try anything and everything, doesn't mean they like it but they TRY. And my littlest one... she is on her own foodie journey and little by little she is eating more and more. GREAT blog post xx
Old camera's.... such good things to find and display. I love that they are usually battered and bruised from use. I love that they are still sturdy enough for my girls to play with. I really would love to know the story behind them though!!! Again, I don't have a... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
Well what an amazing weekend. Camp Mojo was better than I anticipated, and that is saying something. The weekend was filled with lots of belly laughs, chocolate, creating, meeting new friends and catching up with old ones. Yep it was awesome. I managed to get quite a few layouts done,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
If you had of spoken to me 8 years ago after my diagnosis of RA that I would ever have a strong body again, I would have just laughed at you. I mean how on earth can you get strong when you can't even walk? you can't lift your baby... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy
You see I have a seriously YUMMY pile of fat quarters here.... that I have had for at least 9 months and were meant to be used to make pretty things for our lounge room. I just found them while digging for something else. And feeling very thankful I STILL... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2011 at Lisa Kate Colour Me Happy