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Patti Lawton
Rochester, NY
Interests: MMA, music, Footbal (Dallas Cowboys), movies, reading, cooking, working out, Baseball (Yankees), hanging out with my great friends!!
Recent Activity
What a great interview!! It took me a while to warm up to Matt Serra because he always seemed a bit of a big mouth. But thats why I love him!! His no B-S attitude and leadership style is what makes him a great teacher and a great fighter. I'm very excited to see him fight @ 109! He and Ann look so beautiful together and what an adorable family! Best of Luck to the Serra Family! Go get him Matt! :-D
Patti Lawton is now following Rachel Frederick
Jan 9, 2010
Patti Lawton is now following Rachel & Lani
Jan 6, 2010
Patti Lawton is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 6, 2010