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Patrick Wendling-Markwell
Portland, OR
Interests: Reading, writing, cooking and watching movies, specifically horror, fantasy, science fiction, thrillers and mysteries. I also LOVE cartoons, but mostly the classics, and there is NOTHING better than Scooby-Doo! I am even tattooed with Scooby and the whole gang on my back!
Recent Activity
Patrick Wendling-Markwell added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2011
Thanks! :) I think he is a source of inspiration for many. I came out many years ago when I was a child, but ever since I have had to fight. It keeps getting easier and it does get better. I just wish I had someone around like Zachary when I was a kid. Maybe my life would have turned out much better, but I am stronger for it, going through my life the way I did. It doesn't mean I don't have haunting nightmares about it every night though. :)
Only one thing I have to say to you Zachary! Well, a few things, but... Anyway, you ROCK! I have watched you act in several things, and your talent is phenomenal! Breathtaking! What you did by coming out, well it... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2011 at Zachary Quinto
Patrick Wendling-Markwell is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2011
Patrick Wendling-Markwell is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 16, 2011