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The great state of Kentucky where we enjoy thoroughbred horses, mint juleps, and southern cooking!
A stay at home mom with gourmet taste on a mac and cheese budget!
Interests: entertaining, cooking, reading,reading cookbooks, writing, watching food network, home education and the best interest of all...the love of my husband!
Recent Activity
Head on over to At The Picket Fence and check out what I'll be serving for Valentine's Day! It's ooey, it's gooey and it's oh so decadent! Read more about this recipe and how Bama Boy broke the Cardinal "Husband of a Blogger" Rule over at At The Picket Fence! Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Well our new blog launch of At The Picket Fence has been a success and so much fun! We've had a week of giveaways and there's still time to enter! You can enter for one, two...or all five of the prizes! TJ Maxx Gift Card Giveaway The Adopt Shoppe Necklace Giveaway Magazine Subscription Giveaway Featured Etsy Shop Giveaway and today's giveaway Gift Card We've also featured some great recipes, guest posters and Valentine crafts! Today you can also link up to where if it inspires you than we want to hear about it! I want to say a big... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
I am so excited to announce the birth of a new blog! My sister Vanessa, at Southern In My Heart, and I are starting out on a brand new blogging adventure. We want to invite you to meet up with us You will still find great recipes, but so much more as well! We want to go "beyond the blog" and create a community for women to connect with one another. A virtual picket fence! I invite you to take a sneak peek tonight before our big launch tomorrow! If you like what you see we'd sure love you to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Today is my girls 11th birthday. Time has moved her so quickly from this little peanut to a lovely pre-teen. Shhh...don't tell her she's not actually a teenager yet. She really wants to be. :) It's hard to believe a whole year has passed since we celebrated her 10th birthday with a Monkey Party. I had just started this blog and to this day this is still one of my most viewed posts. I think it is because of this: The Monkey Cake I made. This is a popular search apparently. It is Martha Stewart's famous monkey cake, and is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Thank you so much Brittany! I'm glad you found me. I will head on over and check out your Seasonal Sundays link party. Thank you for the invitation! Heather
"So who would write her favorite blog?" you ask. Well my sister of course! I wrote a post about a special little bean plant a few months back, and even though it had nothing to do with recipes or cooking it has turned into one of my most viewed posts. My sweet sister (say that three times fast) asked if she could share it with her readers over at of course I said yes! So if you need a little inspiration this morning and a special reminder of how you can be fruitful wherever you are in your life regardless... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Okay so maybe not actually upside down, but I definitely turned the classic pineapple upside down cake on it's proverbial head. I saw this great idea on a recipe website while I was researching classic 1920's desserts and being someone who always likes to liven things up and try something new, I of course had to give this idea a go. This my dear readers is a two layered round upside down cake. Gasp I know...the audacity! I can hear all of those 1920 housewives whispering about me right now... "she couldn't just be happy with our plain one layered... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Thank you for stopping by Rochel and for the compliment on the photography. I'm always glad when Foodgawker, etc. feature simple, classic old fashioned recipes too! Magic Bars are humble, but they sure are good!
Haha Jodie! I have a whole drawerful of spanx just for moments like these. Hey maybe if I put a pair on my jeans will fit again...thanks for the idea! lol
Just don't eat them straight out of the pan like above mentioned person. Let them cool first before you eat them all er I mean share them with your family. lol
Magic Bars is such a great recipe for kids to try their hand at baking for the first time! Just goes to show that introducing your kids to cooking/baking young will produce adults who love to cook!
Hey....there's an "R" missing from your you know anything about some missing Magic Bars?!? lol
I'm glad you thought it was funny cause my jeans don't find this situation funny at all! ;o)haha. Sorry for the temptation Debbie, but thanks for stopping by and at least taking a peek at them! :)
So I know most of us over indulged in sweets and sugar over the holidays. At least I know I did and my jeans are not thanking me for it. "I'm sorry top button of my favorite jeans, I will try and be better next year...maybe. No promises." This weekend though, I decided to make one of our family favorites for our poker night with friends. I had ingredients still in the pantry from all of the holiday baking, and once again I was reminded that we don't have to save our special "holiday goodies" just for...well the holidays. If... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Hi Huimin! Okay you stumped me and I had to look up dessicated coconut. It seems it is shredded coconut with less moisture content. Here's my opinion...yes I think you could substitute it without a problem. The coconut in the buckeyes just give it an extra little crunch and a little more flavor. I would say give it a try, I think they'll still turn out great! :) Hope that helps. If you try them let me know how it worked out. Good luck! Heather
Living in a rural community has it's advantages...but it also has it's disadvantages. One of them is the lack of grocery stores. Up until two years ago all we had a Wally-World ten miles from us. Then we had a Kroger Marketplace come onto the scene 10 minutes away. There was much rejoicing in our small county when they held their grand opening. Starbucks. Sushi. Does it get much better? But still, it doesn't have quite...everything. You know those items that foodies like to have access to. Weird things. Unusual things. So I was so excited when I discovered that... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Thanks Aggie! You are so sweet. Thank you for visiting and offering support. :)
5 breasts should be great. You can even use more if you'd like. Sometimes I use a lot of chicken to make it more hearty. You can poach your chicken in salted water and then allow it to cool and then chop up for the soup. Let me know how it turns out! :)
Wow! I can't believe I actually stuck with something for a year! Well, let me back up. I do stick with things. For example my relationship with Christ...28 years and counting. My marriage...19 years this fall. Homeschooling...9 years and holding strong. But, I tend to fail in the areas that are just for me. You know those areas. Exercise, routine doctors appointments, skincare, diet...the list goes on. I was so afraid blogging would fall into this category. Another thing that I do just for me that I let fall by the wayside. Instead it's become something I really, really enjoy.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Need a last minute Christmas treat or gift giving idea? Make Christmas Bark! It's simple, easy and oh so addictive! Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at Gourmet Meals For Less
A fudge kit? Really? Don't use a kit make your own fudge. It's so easy. This is the original Fantasy Fudge recipe! A favorite of holiday bakers for years! Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2010 at Gourmet Meals For Less
Glad you found me Stefani! I hope they turn out well for your party. They are one of my most popular cupcakes I make. I always get requests for them. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Debbue?? Do I have a new blog friend named Debbue? Just kidding, I knew it was you! I didn't even read it as Debbue until I saw your post below, I still saw Debbie. lol They make a ton! Actually I made them kind of small and ended up with more than a 100! They are going fast though..everyone seems to love chocolate and peanut butter. Let me know if you make them! Happy Christmas Debbie!
Yep I had to hide them. I think the kids forget we have another fridge...shhhh...don't remind them. ;o)