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patti digh
Whatever else I am or do, my most important job is being a mother to my two daughters.
Interests: i write. i think about living so i can die without regrets.
Recent Activity
2 days! Time to get your intuition on!
Release deadweight. I release the deadweight of what I hope will happen — and fully-embrace the possibilities of what is happening! I will create a daringly refined {edited; changed; adapted} life! \o/ -Teresa Chains of the past. I want to let go of the chains of the past, and to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2012 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 7 - On being an artist
January 1, 2012 From: Seth Godin Question: Has my art been brave enough? Art is a uniquely human endeavor, and act of genius. Art is what we do when we do something for the first time, do it uniquely, and do it to touch someone else. The generosity is built... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2012 at 37days
To bless the space between us.
At the End Of the Year The particular mind of the ocean Filling the coastline's longing With such brief harvest Of elegant, vanishing waves Is like the mind of time Opening us shapes of days. As this year draws to its end, We give thanks for the gifts it brought... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2011 at 37days
Let 2012 be a year of reading and thinking in community.
Have you had "read more" on your list of things you want to do for a while? I have. I want to read more. And think more. And read and think in community. And add value to the reading process for others. That's the thinking behind my new 37days Book... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 6 - Spirituality
DECEMBER 31 - QUESTION #6 From: Susan Piver Topic: Spirituality Question: Where, how, and with whom have my spiritual values manifested in 2011? Where, how, and with whom do I wish to express/manifest/share them in 2012? The Dalai Lama has famously said, "My religion is simple. My religion is kindness."... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 5 - On Creativity
DECEMBER 30 - QUESTION #5 From Jonathan Fields Topic: Creativity Question: What have I learned about living the creative life in 2011? And how will it change what and how I create moving forward? I was somehow delivered into this life with the mad Jones to create, but not the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 4 - Serving
DECEMBER 29 - QUESTION #4 From Jennifer Louden Topic: Serving Question: How did I serve in 2011? Whom did I serve? What aspects of my service brought me alive? What aspects drained me? If I could serve in any way possible in 2012, what would I create? Let your imagination... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2011 at 37days
7 days. Create dwelling places for being in this astonishing moment.
I want to let go of lying. I want to let go of lying. The half-truths that smother me, the promises I don't keep, the commitments I make and then deny through a lie. Why do I play this game and come to loathe myself? I will reflect on this... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 3 - Organization
DECEMBER 28 - QUESTION #3 From Andrew Mellen Topic: Organization Question: When I look back over 2011 and think about how time, choices and objects have been organized, do I see harmony and ease? Did I seek out the natural place for things to land and rest? Where did I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 2 - Shadows
DECEMBER 27 QUESTION #2 From Ken Robert Topic: Shadows Question: In what way have I been living in the shadows in 2011? How might my life change if I came out into the light in 2012? What strengths could I discover and share if I gave up hiding my weaknesses?... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at 37days
Day 10. Letting go.
I posted this last December. I'm reposting now because I was curious to discover how much I am focused on letting go now, still. "Letting go" is definitely a theme for 2012 as I plan online classes centered around this concept - and as I finish my new book, "The... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2011 at 37days
The Week of Inward Looking: Day 1 - Bendiness
Author Susan Piver and I are hosting "The Week of Inward Looking" during this week between Christmas and the New Year. It occured to us that this inbetween week is a time for examination, a time to build a bridge to a peaceful, joyful, creative, and wildly successful 2012--whatever success... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2011 at 37days
11 days. Let go of the resulting sadness.
I want to let go of self hatred and the resulting sadness. I want to let go of self hatred and the resulting sadness. I want to let go of the hold other people's judgement has over me. -Jen Varela Let go of the want to let go. I would... Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2011 at 37days
happy birthday, daddy.
As always on Christmas Day, a remembrancer of my father whose birthday is Christmas. He would have been 85 today. Happy birthday, Daddy. Monogram your pancakes “Surviving a loss and letting go is only half of the story. The other half is the secret belief that we will find, in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2011 at 37days
12 days. A clean, light, healthy space in my chest.
A clean, light, healthy space in my chest. I want to create a clean, light, healthy space in my chest. Presently a hard, heavy rock seems to dwell there. Expectations, concerns and worries have settled in my body and are trying to take root. Time and energy to eat well,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2011 at 37days
13 days. Dwell in not knowing, drift toward understanding.
Dwell in not knowing, drift toward understanding. I want to let go of thinking it has to be my way. I want to let go my own expectation that I must have all the answers. I want to dwell in not knowing, drift toward understanding. I want to be open... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2011 at 37days
15 days. Just right.
Just right. I want to let go of the words "not enough" and "too much." And I want to create as much "just right" as I possibly can. -Maya Stein I want to let go of my views about aging. This year I turned 60. I am so surprised at... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2011 at 37days
16 days. Broken is still whole, still beautiful.
This year I will step up I want to let go of the fear of scaring people away with my ideas, voice, opinions, talents. I used to embrace leadership, but when the spotlight shined on my faults, I backed away. This year I will step up, be awesome, adjust when... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2011 at 37days
17 days. Create a new story.
Let go of the old story. I want to let go of the old story: the one I told myself over and over, for years, complete with soundtrack of love songs, and fantasy visions of how it was all going to look and feel. I am letting go of this... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at 37days
18 days. Embrace what simply is.
Let go of anger. Learn to breathe I have some anger in me. I'm not really sure what it's about, and it doesn't really matter. I think what it's about is long gone, because, really, in my life, there's nothing to be angry about. Yet my first reaction to the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2011 at 37days
Mapping your loss and your grief.
I'm now writing a book called "The Geography of Loss." It is about the unknown landscape we enter (or are thrown into, as if from a passing car) when we experience a loss in our lives. The death of a loved one, a national tragedy, betrayal by a friend, a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at 37days
19 days. Let go of letting go.
Let go of cancer. I want to let go of cancer. I'll keep the lessons I learned - people love me and will go to great lengths to show it when needed; I am superwoman; I have something to say that people want to hear. But I'll let go of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at 37days
20 days. Inhale fear, exhale hope.
Create meaning with art I am a quiltmaker. The texture of fabric, the pulling of needle and thread through the fabric, and the creation of a handmade item all make me exceedingly happy. In 2012, I want to make my quilts mean something greater - to make my quilts make... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2011 at 37days
24 days. Inhale lightness, exhale heaviness.
What do you want/need to let go of and what do you want to create in 2012? Let go of my measuring stick. In 2012, I want to let go of my measuring stick. I want to throw the judgment ruler away - that inner measuring stick that I use... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at 37days
25 days. Letting go. Creating.
People around the world are answering my question: What do I want/need to let go of and what do I want to create in 2012? Here are a few of their answers: To create a more unified "me" I want to let go of regrets. Regrets feed into my fears... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at 37days
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