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Cairns QLD
About the Writer
Interests: Writing * Patti Roberts * location cairns Queensland Australia * bio born in Brisbane qld Australia. grew up in Darwin in the NT. now living in cairns qld. currently writing fiction novel's / blogs * email: [email protected],
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Mar 6, 2011
Excerpt: He let out a moan of pleasure from the stinging pain. Dark black-red blood blistered then trickled down his chest before his injuries quickly vanished. She trailed her fingertips through his warm blood then smeared it slowly across her lips. via Abaddon ran his palm slowly down Pandora’s... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 12, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Excerpt: Suddenly there is a horrible noise, like an angry roll of thunder. Not from the sky, but from beneath my feet. The ground vibrates again, only more violently this time. Then nothing. But within moments it erupts again with a fierce intensity. My eyes are closed tight, trying desperately... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Excerpt: She knew then that he had left her. She wiped a tear from her cheek.  Inside she screamed the scream of a thousand circling demons. via Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 28, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Home - Paradox - The Angels Are Here Welcome to Paradox - The Angels Are Here. My name is Juliette, and I would like to tell you a story, a story the stretches over a vast passage of time. I have seen much, I have seen you. And I can... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 5, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Excerpt: Angela made a mental note to try and think like an 11 year old child. It wasn’t going to be easy. Nothing about being human was easy. Mortals, she decided, were such a complex race of beings with so many illogical inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies. via Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 22, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Grace Connors life has always been rife with strange occurrences. Making friends was never easy, so from an early age Grace invokes an imaginary friend - an Angel, called Hope. Grace’s idealised childhood is suddenly turned upside by a visitor - The Angel of Death. And as Grace struggles with... Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 15, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Grace Connors life has always been rife with strange occurrences. Making friends was never easy, so from an early age Grace invokes an imaginary friend - an Angel, called Hope. Grace’s idealised childhood is suddenly turned upside by a visitor - The Angel of Death. And as Grace struggles with her paralysing loss, she realises that it is time to grow up and say goodbye to her imaginary friend Hope. Grace not only struggles to live with her traumatic loss, but from the age of five, Grace has struggled with haunting visions that force her to relive the suffering of others. And from time to time, relive their brutal and untimely deaths. Grace eventually overcomes her grief when she befriends Angela Oaks, the mysterious little girl who moves in next door, and fellow primary school classmate, Joshua Draco. The three quickly become inseparable best friends. As a teenager, Grace strives to fit in. She wants the one thing that most girls her age dream about - a boyfriend. So when the charismatic Damon Deneb takes an interest in Grace, it doesn’t take long before she falls for his alluring charm. Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2010 at PattiRoberts7's blog
Pattiroberts7 is now following Ventas Vifne
Jun 20, 2010