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Patty Mitchell
I'm reviving the Typepad blog to help out the fam...
Recent Activity
Dan Culhane Celebration of Life Announcement - October 24, 2021 - RSVP TODAY
I’m happy to let you know that we have scheduled the Celebration of Life for Dan.
It will be held on Sunday, October 24, 2021 from 2:00 – 6:00pm at the Green Acres Event Center in Eden Prairie. If you have never been to the facility, it’s gorgeous. It also checked off all of the boxes I needed to feel like we can hold a safe gathering. Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2021 at Well This Sucks
A Million Little Things
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over a month since I lost my sweet Dan. In some ways, it feels like just a couple of days and yet it feels like a lifetime ago that I watched him get into a car to go to a doctor’s appointment. I had no idea that he was leaving our house for the final time.
What would I have done differently if I knew? Probably hugged and kissed him, stared into his face memorizing every last detail and buried my face in his neck so I could be enveloped in his scent. Instead, I was chasing a runaway dog down the alley and hollering over my shoulder, “Call me when you’re on your way home”.
That just kills me. I find myself replaying that last scene a lot. Continue reading
Posted Mar 31, 2021 at Well This Sucks
The Dan Culhane Memorial Fund - A Legacy of Kindness
Many people have reached out asking how they can help after my brother-in-laws death last month. Your thoughtfulness and concern has been deeply felt and appreciated in the aftermath of this tragedy. Nancy and Dan have given so much to the people in their lives over the years - it was part of who they are as people. We don't want that to end.
The outpouring of public and private stories about Dan's generosity and selflessness have uplifted all our spirits while we remain grief-stricken over this terrible loss. To move forward, we need to keep that spirit of helping others, everyday in ways big and small, alive now that he's gone.
The Dan Culhane Memorial Fund and his Celebration of Life event (sometime later this year) will honor the man we loved and will create funding to support one or more organizations that Dan loved such as youth hockey programs, internships or scholarships for young people interested in careers in broadcasting, support for families with multiple myeloma, and animal rescue programs.
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Posted Mar 22, 2021 at Well This Sucks
5:21 AM February 28, 2021: Daniel (My Brother) by Elton John
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Posted Mar 5, 2021 at Well This Sucks
Filling In Some Blanks
There has been some confusion on what happened. First and foremost, Dan Culhane did NOT die from Multiple Myeloma; he died of complications from COVID-19. In January, Dan had his third bone marrow biopsy, a full body PET scan and extensive blood work. He was told he was in a “deep remission” after a successful bone marrow transplant... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2021 at Well This Sucks
Chad Hartman and Tom Barnard Remember Dan Culhane
In case you missed it... We lost a great one this past weekend - Dan Culhane. He first rose to prominence as part of the @TomBarnardShow. The legend joined us to remember Dan as friend and a colleague. Take a listen... — Chad Hartman (@ChadHartmanShow) March 1, 2021 Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2021 at Well This Sucks
Dan Culhane Believed in Blessing Folk, I was One of...
Dan Culhane believed in blessing folk, I was one of 'em. When I got to @wccoradio he taught me how to work the equipment, when I started my podcasting platform he did all my voice over work, and still weeks ago, he sent me tips on being a better interviewer.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2021 at Well This Sucks
From Dan's Daughter Cori Orak
The title of this blog is something that keeps repeating in my head, though it has a hell of a lot of other profanities in it. Well...this fucking sucks.
This weekend I was heading away to have a solo staycation to start celebrating my birthday. I love celebrating my birthday, I’m now 37 but my childlike wonder only gets stronger with age so the pride in my birthday only gets bigger every year. I usually feel it out and don't often do anything big, I just do whatever the hell I want to do which being so introverted usually means a lot of solo activities. But as I started out my Cori focused Friday morning, I received the news that my Dad not only had COVID (again) but had had a stroke and was in the ICU - as you’ve all read about a few posts ago.
To say the wind got knocked out of me was putting it lightly, and the sense of deja vu was overwhelming... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2021 at Well This Sucks
From Dan's Son Joe Culhane
Hi there. It's me, Joe. I've been away from the ol' Facebook world for several months now (and my mental health thanks...Posted by Joe Culhane on Monday, March 1, 2021 Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2021 at Well This Sucks
WCCO Radio Tribute To Dan Culhane
WCCO-AM_Adam_Carter_Dan_Culhane_3-1-2021 Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2021 at Well This Sucks
Our Hearts Are Broken: Dan Died From COVID-19
It is with an utterly broken heart that I share with you the news that my beautiful, loving, romantic, funny, scatterbrained, sensitive husband, Daniel Edward Culhane, of nearly 15 years passed away unexpectedly and peacefully early this morning.
My world is considerably smaller and darker today. I was honored to be his wife and his best friend. Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2021 at Well This Sucks
Things Are Scary Right Now
The next post on this blog was supposed to be an 180 day-post transplant update. But unfortunately it's not. It's a post I don't want to make, but it's time to let everyone know what is going on. Back in late January, Dan was given permission from his oncologist to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2021 at Well This Sucks
2020 Into 2021 And Beyond
What I’m really here to write about is the year that COVID-19 and I have put Nancy through. And to look ahead to this new year.
You may recall last November. Nancy was out having Sunday brunch with Donna V. and Jim D. with me at home with the dogs when our family doctor called to tell me to go to the U of M hospital right now where an oncologist is waiting to check me in because I have cancer all over my body. Run-on sentence intended. It was a blur. Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2021 at Well This Sucks
525,600 Minutes
Cancer changes everything. One day you’re a couple and you’re just going along doing your thing and then BOOM. Roles get switched up and you go from romantic life partners to patient and caregiver and you have to really work at not JUST being the latter. But it’s hard. For both people. Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2020 at Well This Sucks
Hey, Run Your Fingers Through My Hair
fter a pretty rough couple of weeks, he’s finally STARTING to feel a little better. The timeframe we were given of Day 7-10 being “rock bottom” wasn’t completely accurate. He was still having significant side effects from the chemotherapy into early this past week.
Thankfully, his blood pressure and heart rate issues were just a one-time occurrence, but the nausea, vomiting and added fun of diarrhea were kicking his ass until late Monday night. Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2020 at Well This Sucks
This Too Shall Pass
Dan has to go to the hospital every morning for labs and vitals. Other than losing weight, everything actually looked well. His blood counts were “excellent” and everything else was in the normal range.
Yesterday, Tuesday, was the worst day so far. Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2020 at Well This Sucks
SCT Day Two: Dan with Ice Chips on the Beach
09.17.2020 I finally fell asleep for real at 4 AM and slept until 7:30 AM. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was the best stretch of sleep I’ve had since arriving. I woke up and took a shower, visited with the doctor for a few minutes, then got myself... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2020 at Well This Sucks
SCT Day One: Chemo on Ice
The chemo gets loaded into my handy chest tube. It goes quickly. I continue chewing the ice. And I chew for another two hours afterwards. I had a vanilla flavored ice cream cup in the middle just for a change of pace. Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2020 at Well This Sucks
Overall, we are both doing well. Dan has had a really good attitude throughout this whole thing. He’s remained positive, optimistic and hopeful. As it gets closer to the transplant date, he is a bit more anxious and had a rough day emotionally this past Saturday.
He’s been through a lot. Dealing with all of this during a pandemic makes it more challenging in one way, but makes it easier in other ways. Cancer is not for the faint of heart and although it was hard to see him struggling this weekend, I’m glad he allows himself to feel the feelings. I think he tries to be “brave” for me and while I do get a lot of my strength from his attitude, I don’t want him to hide what he’s feeling. It’s healthier to let it out. Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2020 at Well This Sucks
First off, there is one thing to remember with this blog: no news will ALWAYS be good news.
We are so grateful for everyone who has called, texted or emailed asking for updates. Your continued concern and interest mean so much to us. Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2020 at Well This Sucks
This Day Had Such Potential
I had such great hope for this day. Some of the staples in life are hard to come by these days. For a few days now, we had been planning on taking advantage of the Sam’s Club Old Folks and At-Risk Folks early opening at 7 AM. Surely there would... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2020 at Well This Sucks
A Day In the Life - COVID19 Style
Although a pandemic on the planet has thrown something of a wrench into this new routine, I feel extremely fortunate to not have experienced any noticeable side-effects so far - almost four months into this adventure. I'm not "elderly", but I am in the danger zone for getting sick because my immunities are drastically lowered by the cancer and the treatments. Being glued to CNN and MSNBC for most of the evening doesn't help.
Nancy has been more cautious than I for a longer period of time. But now I'm just terrified of having to be anywhere anyone else is - or ever was - at any time. It's going to be a long spring and summer. I'm glad Nancy is here. And everyone else is just a message or video chat away. Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2020 at Well This Sucks
Working at Home, Prepped, and Ready for the Long Haul is everyone doing? These are definitely some strange times we're all experiencing, right? ...PLEASE follow the guidelines that have been put in place so we can "flatten the curve" on new cases of Covid 19. Its not "just' those who have cancer or are elderly...even though I hate saying "just" because unfortunately that represents A LOT of people - people whose lives are just as precious as everyone else's. Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2020 at Well This Sucks
World Shortage of Masks? Meh.
Nothing much to speak of on my end. I start weaning myself off the back brace on the 13th. It was the 3 month mark of rebuilding the vertebrae crushed by the Multiple Myeloma mass. Right back atcha MM! I just started Round #4 of the chemotherapy. So far so... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2020 at Well This Sucks
As Long As You Don't Fall Down
Greetings blog readers. It’s Nancy with an embarrassingly late update. For the last ten weeks, I’ve had these really great intentions of sitting down and writing an update. You know what they say about intentions, soooo… First, the first headlines: Dan is doing really well. He continues to be on... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2020 at Well This Sucks
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