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I am a blessed wife of 27 years, with two adult daughters and two toddler grandchildren..I enjoy creating with fabric, paper and flowers in the garden. You will often find my saving belief in Jesus Christ woven into my posts. My hope is that you will find inspiration and encouragement every time you stop by.
Interests: bible study, sewing, quilting, papercrafts, gardening, decorating
Recent Activity
Your little random quilt for the kitchen is so pretty. I am working on a quilt for our family room. While our big brown leather sofas are practical and comfy...they aren't very pretty.
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2011 on planning "random" at i have to say...
1 reply
I know I’ve been MIA from here quite a bit lately. We are working on some much neglected areas of our house and garden and as hard as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to carve out any time in my craft studio, so there really hasn’t been much share.... Continue reading
Hi Dayle, My sister actually lives in Cypress. We had nice weather the first couple of days but then it heated up quite abit. Not as bad as August The Woodlands is such a beautiful area. Thanks for stopping by.
I just got back from my sister's house in Houston, Texas. I went with my parents for my eight year old nephew's 1st Holy Communion. It was a quick trip, only five days, but we managed to pack some wonderful memories in just the same. My sister and her family... Continue reading
After our cold, wet winter and early spring, the heat is really on here in sunny Southern California. We have already had a string of days in the 90’s. It’s such a perfect time for one of my favorite warm weather simple pleasures… Sun. Tea. Seriously, does anything taste better... Continue reading
I can’t believe it’s been a week already since we got together for our last cup of coffee…I have some left over birthday cake to share with you today. Sorry, it’s just from a box but I do have some fresh fruit to go with it. We had family and... Continue reading
"And we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us understanding so that we can know the true God. And now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ. He is the only true God,... Continue reading
I’m back in my craft studio and have a sneak peek of a few fun things I'm working on for an upcoming tea at church. I finally finished the big project that was keeping me from starting anything new and now it just feels like I have a fresh start... Continue reading
I'm glad you stopped by for our virtual cup of coffee with a double shot of sunshine...If we were really meeting for coffee today I'd ask you how your Easter was and what you fixed for dinner. I'd have a whole stack of pictures to share with you instead of... Continue reading
"Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don't be faithless any longer. Believe." John 20:27 Have you ever doubted God? His motives... His involvement... His existence... Does it seem like God is more real in others lives than in... Continue reading
"Let the heart of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Search for the LORD and for His strength; seek His face always." 1 Chronicles 16:10-11 I love this portion of scripture... Seek Him... Search for the LORD... Seek his face... The verb portion is mine; the action required is by... Continue reading
Wishing you peace this Holy Weekend... "But very early on Sunday morning the women went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. So they went in, but they didn't find the body of the Lord Jesus.... Continue reading
I'm so glad you came back for Tuesday's virtual cup of coffee... I bought the ingredients for a strawberry cake that I hoped to have made for us to enjoy today but I'm not quite back to myself yet... I did manage to go outside and cut the first of... Continue reading
My sister-in-law stopped by to check in on me and drop off these yummy cookies and chicken soup. It couldn't have come at a more perfect time. My staple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was growing a bit old (thank you hubby) and the fresh meal was a welcome... Continue reading
What a wonderful collection!
1 reply
"This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God - who does not lie - promised them before the world began." Titus 1:2 Continue reading
I was able to go for a short walk in the garden today and managed to snap a few photos in manual mode while I was out there... These well loved terracotta pots were found in an old shed on my husband's grandmother's farm. Isn't the patina amazing? I transplanted... Continue reading
I've come up with my top ten things to do while stuck in a recliner list and thought I'd share a few pictures of my favorite couch potatoes... For anyone who has wished for a few days to just sit and do nothing let me tell you, it ain't all... Continue reading
Won't you join me for a virtual cup of coffee with Amy over at Lucky No. 13... If we were really meeting for coffee this morning I would tell you... After my positive birthday post yesterday, I threw out my back bending down to pick up my clothes after showering.... Continue reading
I had the most wonderful birthday weekend. My girlfriends took me out on Friday for a wonderful and generous birthday celebration. Each gift held special meaning but the gift of their friendship, encouragement and accountability is truly a treasure. On Saturday my family got together at a delicious steakhouse for... Continue reading
I hope you haven’t grown tired of seeing my azaleas… They are just about done with their springtime show and I couldn’t resist a few more pictures before they are but a beautiful memory. I’ve been showing you snippets of my front perennial border…here’s a better view of the whole... Continue reading
My mom mentioned that I live my list like a bucket list…trying to cram in as much as possible before I run out of time. It was just an off handed remark but I realized she’s right and it really has me thinking about ways I can slow down and... Continue reading
Just beautiful flowers. I can see why you couldn't resist bringing some inside.
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2011 on blooms at artsy-crafty babe
1 reply
This all but forgotten pot of herbs is happy as can be nestled right next to the pond in the backyard. It was a leggy mess last month so I cut it way back and hoped for the best… It looks like everything came back except for the basil (which... Continue reading