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Patty Mastella Rakus
Recent Activity
Right on gf...I couldnt have said it better...We are so much alike politically!
Advertisers who create the ads for our beloved politicians as well as the so called Super Pacs refer to uninformed voters as the "stupid element." They will create ads for their clients that are totally false just to appeal to these "stupid voters" as they all them and they also know these indi...
Tutorial for "Dress" Kitchen Towel
A Tutorial on creating a little dress of a kitchen towel that hangs nicely over your stove handle. This dressed up dish towel is double sided. It could even be made with two totally different sides. Imagine one side for Halloween the other side for Thanksgiving. One side for cupcakes,... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 11, 2012 at Patty Mastella Rakus's blog
Patty Mastella Rakus is now following calamity kim
Feb 11, 2012
Patty Mastella Rakus is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 11, 2012
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