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Paula Post
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Beautiful photo! Yes, the mountains are very grounding which is sometimes a good
thing. But I find the ocean waves to be more inspiring and the lend themselves well
to the creative process.
These solid, sturdy, dependable mountains, remind me of the wild, rolling ocean, wave after wave after wave. Except they are very much more grounded than the airy, watery ocean waves. The view from Brasstown Bald Mountain in Georgia. Reprinted with added text, from Laine's Blog...
Haha..I remember that squirrel! Who could deny him his cozy nest?
By the time this squirrel was finished with the hammock pillow, there was nothing left. There was, however a very comfy nest in one of the oak trees. In a big wind, small pieces of fuzz would rain down on our heads. Watching nature's critters prepare their nests for the little ones to c...
Cool picture! I didn't know that either.
Mystery Solved...
Ok, I never quite understood how pilots got onto the big ships. Now, I do! These are the men and women who board a ship outside local harbors to guide them safely through unfamiliar waters. Where that man is stepping off the pilot boat, there is a door that he slips into. I thought they ...
Beautiful..and true words!
I Concur...
They say, if you're lucky enough to live near the beach, you're lucky enough. I concur. It's just a hop, skip and a jump away, lucky me! St. Augustine Beach, February 26, 2015.
Cute wherever it is! But I'm going to guess Baltimore...
Baltimore or Budapest? Yesterday's answer...... Orlando, Disney Hollywood Studios, Faux Street!
Which is it?
San Francisco, or Orlando?
I don't think you should ever give up on your dreams! Sometimes we have to change our expectations or get rid
of an expectation. Or redefine what the dream means to us. But if your intent is to be a filmmaker, then you are
a filmmaker even if you are just using your phone, or camera for the video. How we choose to define a word for ourselves
is different that what an industry or group defines it as. So there are really two things going on. If you want to be a
filmmaker, then go ahead and be one. Don't get caught up in expectations. Decide what filmmaking means for you and
what you want to say with your films.
The advent of phones and point and shoot cameras has made "photographers" of us all. We don't all have what I guess
is considered the "eye" or a gift for photographs that are published in magazines or books. But if we enjoy taking pictures
then doesn't that make us photographers on some level. I think as long as we don't let our ego get inflated and grandiose,
we all share artistry on some level.
Cine Dreams...
Sometimes in our lives we have dreams that aren't going to come true. These dreams sustain us and inspire us for years, until one day we wake up and know it is a dream, and just a dream. Maybe next lifetime we'll get the skill set needed to realize our unmet dreams, or we'll dream ne...
I think this proves that money doesn't necessarily buy happiness. Sounds like the folks there are grateful for what they have and
all the good in their lives and don't put all their focus on what isn't perfect at the moment.
Nasau's Other Side...
Taking a buggy ride through the little town of Nassau, past the funky souvenir stores and restaurants on the front street, you find boarded up shops and run down housing. Seems a shame with all the money on Paradise Island to let this little bit of real paradise decay. Maybe it will turn...
Wow, what fun! And I see the holy ghost too!
Guess Who's Coming...
To Breakfast? First reaction was to shoo them away which turned out to be ridiculous. So I pulled out my camera and joined in the fun! (Anyone who went to St. Anthony of Padua Church in Baltimore, might recognize the Holy Ghost in this shot!) They cleaned all the plates o...
Thanks..that is very pretty. Definitely lifts the spirit during the grey of winter.
A Little Green...
Isn't it good, Hungarian wood? A little green for a winter's day. The park on the way to the castle in Godollo, Hungary. (Sounds like a fairy tale...into the woods...a castle...talking trees!)
Ha Ha, the Hideaway Tiki Bar is looking like a pretty good road right now! But Cabo San Lucas might be a good stop too!
Any Road...
IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING, ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE Any road! The Hideaway Tiki Bar in Cedar Key, Florida, the best place in Cedar Key on land to watch the sunset.
I will second that!! I always like that photo. Nice to see it again.
Arm Chair Winter...
You've heard of armchair gardeners? I am an armchair winter person. I love snow! Photograph shot from the old Dusty Miller Inn, looking down Bradford Street, in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Reprinted from Laine's Blog, January, 2012, photo from the last century! Related articl...
The whole world needs this
Peace Rose.
Oh my gosh, the tree looks so great! You really need to make cards of that is a wonderful photo. You could actually make cards out of so many
of your daily hard to find great cards these days.
This is one of my favorite posts!
The Best Thing To Do...
A pink flamingo on top of a makeshift Christmas tree, wearing a set of miniature pearls. Christmas is such a mixed bag of tricks, and then it's over! Doing something fun with the people you love seems to be the very best thing to do. May you find yourself in good company, warm, a...
Wonderful words..can't imagine I am the only one who appreciates them.
Let the Light Find You...
What to do with the unlovable parts of ourselves? Try as we might, we can't run away or separate ourselves from our shadows. What happens if we sit and stay, like a good dog that wants to jumpandrunaround so badly, but we sit and we stay, and we don't look away? The poets say that's wh...
Those are so though provoking words Laine! I guess the world is our home...
For me I guess I also think we have a physical place that feels the most like
home to us..but also a home in our heart that allows us to feel "at home"
in the world.
Coming Home...
A lot of people will be traveling over the coming weeks, going home. Where is home? Is it where you spent your childhood? Or where you choose to live? Is home a moveable feast? Do we carry it within us? Is it a place we cherish or a person we love? Is it all of the...
Yes they are out there. What is it about the holidays that turns people into
crazed drivers. It is supposed to be a time of good spirits, community and
being grateful!
Take Care...
Once again, it is that time of year when people are driving really really badly. So, go slow, pay attention and watch out for the other guy. For whatever reason, she/he is having a really bad day, is in a really big hurry, and stressed about something. Take care, beware... Reprin...
I am in need of that...are they renting rooms too?
what a great sign!
If you can climb the stairs, your day care awaits... Bar & Tables 150 Craft Beers Fine Vino You get the idea! Cedar Key, Florida, where they respect their elders and provide facilities for their well being.
Yes, I believe that the angels in the universe are watching out for us...and it is comforting.
Some Comfort...
Perhaps when we feel alone and fearful, we truly aren't so alone. Angels have been part of our imagination for a long, long time. Maybe there is a reason for that? At best there is some comfort in believing that we are all being looked after somehow, by beautiful, benevolent, winged an...
Haha..I see a face in those clouds. Must be my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Nice sentiment and keeping it close.
An early morning thunderstorm left these beautiful clouds for the rising sun to shine upon. May all the storms in our lives be blessings in disguise. From the archives, November 2011. Used with permission of LainesBlog, Thinking Out Loud.
Enjoying seeing the pictures of your trip!
Swan Song...
Traveling with this little guy and his mom and grandparents, at that age where he is absorbing language like a sponge, and learning two languages at one time, it was little surprise when he could recognize the Hungarian word for "ice cream" and take you by the hand to the very attractive s...
Great pictures you are posting!
Do You need An Umbrella?
Hungary is dotted with many charming towns, like this one, Szent Endres, situated on the banks of the Danube River. Once you hear the English translation, Saint Andrews, it is easier to remember the name. Forgetting the cobblestone streets and squares and shops and galleries, is not an op...
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about your trip!
Jo Reggelt...
That's "Good Morning" in Hungarian! Laine is back from a fabulous vacation in Hungary. Still jet lagged and still stoked! Lots more to come. But first, a huge THANK YOU! to Sue Harrison for her wonderful posts. Thanks Sue, for holding down the fort while I was away! You did a great job...
That is such a beautiful photo. I hope it is keeping you cool!
Keeping Cool
Snowing at night and sticking to everything, the branches of the trees, the trunks, the street lights. One of the most beautiful nights of my life, keeping me cool tonight! The Valentine's snow storm, Baltimore, 2014. What you can't see are the marvelous hardwood trees in the backgro...
I see them with little guitars!
You Make My Heart Sing...
Wild things, singing to my heart on my short walk over the short dunes to the beach. St. Augustine Beach.
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