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Paula Wessells
My name is Paula - I am a wife, mother to three furbabies, and a business owner. I am probably much more than that but that gives you a good idea.
Interests: travel, outdoors, shopping, magazines, estate sales, movies, reading, scrapbooking, eating, crafting
Recent Activity
It's been fun, it's been real, it's time for another change. You can find me over here: Be sure to update your Google Reader and any feeds! Look forward to seeing you on the other side - Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Thanks for stopping by! I do love the cleanse - not as evasive as others that I have tried. Meaning you just eat healthy and are not limited to certain foods. Hope this helps! Sent from my iPad
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2011 on Healthy Living at It's all apart of life's pageant
1 reply
I apologize for the late post on our LAST week! Can you believe that we made it this far?? You have all done so well! We are on the home stretch now, so for week eight - the last habit,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
I am working on a personal blog project and need help saving and transferring all my photos from this blog to a special NEW place. The process looks something like this: While viewing your new blog, which currently has all... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Everyone is having such great results! Okay here is life habit seven - Choose fruit as your carbohydrate for at least two (minimum) of your meals WHY are we going to do this? Fruit contains several nutrients to help prevent... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
The events of Japan have affected me in a way that is hard to explain. While we don't have any immediate family in Japan - I am sure my grandpa would have been devestated to see the destruction of his... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
looking forward to this quilt a long! Paula Wessells [email protected] BLOG | PHOTO WEBSITE | PHOTO BLOG |
1 reply
Not really Champagne Supernova but a Supernova Quilt-A-Long... yes, I am not even done with my Single Girl quilt and I am signing up to do another! Will you join me on this one? For this quilt I am thinking... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
So sorry this post is late! Had a super busy weekend - full of food, music and running. WHEW- we are moving on to week six! You are going to replace all white flour/grains (processed flours with WHOLE GRAINS. Why... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Thank you Jeni for all inspiration!!! Paula Wessells [email protected] BLOG | PHOTO WEBSITE | PHOTO BLOG |
1 reply
Thank you Shannon! I am getting a little burnt out on the pink - but knowing that its her favorite color keeps me going. Paula Wessells [email protected] BLOG | PHOTO WEBSITE | PHOTO BLOG |
1 reply
Gearing up for a busy latter half of the week! Portlandia type of events - comibned with early morning [3AM PST] UK promo launches at work is going to be sporting at best. First up, today is the Drive by... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Okay, here a quick run down of some of the foods you should try to eat regularly to boost your omega-3 intake: Fish such as albacore tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, lake trout Oils such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
I am still working on this and haven't given up yet... everything is so new to me I am feeling encouraged to keep on going! I have learned so much - here are few tips: Definitely invest in the rotating... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
So excited to share week FIVE with you today! We are going to be adding Omega-3 fats to our diet. Yes, I said FAT... of course there is always a catch right? Why are we going to eat fats? Omega-3... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Lots and lots of pieces, curved piecing and queen size - yes, I am crazy to take on thie quilt along Single Girl Quilt by Denyse Schmidt. I have decided to put this one together for my niece - a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
you will get there - in the meantime you can play around on! Most of the time I am living vicariously through these other gals -
1 reply
Thanks for checking out my blog!
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adding protein is hard for me too - so that is why I do a some kind of protein supplement in my shakes.I can only eat so much cottage cheese, meat or nuts... ;)
1 reply
Thank you Chelle! Loving your site too - need to get back on P90X...
1 reply
Finally finished binding the vintage sheet quilt last night! See previous post here. I machine quilted a wave pattern using the wave stitch on my machine and longated stitch. I learned about this easy quilting here. Here are some previous... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
We are half way through the challenge! Give yourself a pat on the back and look forward to what I think is going to be an easy week. Although if you have some deadlines you are dealing with at work... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Looking forward to the weekend - it will be filled with fabric, sewing, and reading...trying to take it easy this weekend since next week is looking a little hellish right now. What caught my eye this week- with a DIY... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
Happy HUMP day and week three of Commit 2 Fit challenge! Week three always seems difficult so it helps to have meal ideas to keep you going. I want to post this image again to make sure we know what... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant
These are from two sites that I frequent - [user:petitepaula] I love this site for fashion inspiration and outfit ideas. The second site is Pinterest - basically photo eye candy! Outfit ideas that are inspiring my closet: Source: Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2011 at It's all apart of life's pageant