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Paul Bowes
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Well every ones view and opinion even mine and including "angryAmerican's" experience with the movie are both right and wrong. (I'll explain later)
Im not in the military but have many close friends in the service mostly Marines! The few that have seen the movie have a connection or have expressed familiarities either much like "angryAmerican's" based their time on tour and their feelings about the service and politics now, or were very excited about it much like a roller coaster ride or had a moving and enlightening experience like me.
Only goes to show that the movie is a fictional story that can be told in a way that has familiarity in order for us to acknowledge and be able to fallow. The main point is that we all see the moon yet we each see it differently, no one person is wrong or right. its the moon.
angryAmerican I am sorry you didn't like the film I know I didnt make the film but yet since I enjoyed it from my perspective im sorry your perspective made it unpleasant none the less . Yet I can understand that you see the movie that way and acknowledge that and can respect how it has moved you.
i want a refund. this movie is a complete pile of...
i want a refund. this movie is a complete pile of excrement this movie is nothing more than a platform for cameron to spout his leftist ideals, and is an allegory of his feelings on the iraq and afghanistan wars. think about it, the human forces in the movie are clearly American military and are ...
Second that!!
Thank you James Cameron, hope we have a Chance to...
Thank you James Cameron, hope we have a Chance to save the world, now we have no more time. You have reopen my heart with your movie! Thank you! Here in Germany, there is less nature, a lot of technic, and laws. If any person understand the movie, look at the few native people which are live at o...
Seen it in 2D first then seen it twice in 3D and 3D dose the movie even more justice the second time in 3D especially seeing it in 2D first
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Paul Bowes added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 29, 2009
It think it means all those ideas as well as him basically surviving the passing through Eywa and making it into his avatar body. as well as the final step in curing his insanity!
In the last shot of Avatar, someone's closed eyes...
In the last shot of Avatar, someone's closed eyes snap open. What does that mean? That means that Jake really did what Eywa wanted him to do and he has an ability to live with Na'vi and with Neytiri. It is great that he received an ability to change the body and I think he will help Na'vi in the ...
Kikoi has hit upon one of the roots of evil in our society and word for that fact, Money!
One of the facts about the Na'vi is they have no money to worry about or in that fact having to get up and rush to work. Even deeper, walmarts or refineries, sewage plants, nuclear power plants or any other type of big or small business that creates pollution or products for consumption for us to create pollution. Also they have no noticeable technology other then their ability to connect to both creature and plant like species, biologically. Which is a connection that runs very deep both with the physical and metaphysical reality and is something we are losing and have lost over the many years between our selves and our own planet!
The last but not least is religion. The Na'vi are much like the Native Americans in that they see their planet and its inhabitants have connections and each represent a spirit that is a part of a whole and that there is a balance to respect and understand your place in that whole. Unlike alot of the religions on our planet that some were made and bestow fear and hate. while others are radical and fanatical. Either way religions "could" steal away the freedom the Na'vi have both in their connection with their planet and their spiritual connections and understandings.
I want you all to think about this. James Cameron...
I want you all to think about this. James Cameron is of the previous generation. He made AVATAR to show us the truths of our world that we may not have noticed. Now we, the next generation to take our steps into the future, are equipped with these truths, these sensations, these ideals. What do y...
Nothing is lost with out first experiencing it!!
Just like the dragon lady said, we would need to be cured of our insanity in order to understand and or even survive such a beautiful place!
Either way I would die or survive to be cured in such a place!
I notice that many people are saying that they are...
I notice that many people are saying that they are depressed that they can't live on Pandora. To help out I thought I'd remind everyone how dangerous it is. Probably five minutes after admiring the beauty of the place there is a good chance you would be: 1) Ripped to pieces by a pack of viperwolv...
I've been asked just like every one else. "What is...
I've been asked just like every one else. "What is your favorite movie?" and have always felt insecure in an answer till now! "Avatar!" "Sequel?" I'm good to go for seconds, but I can only hope that Mr. Cameron (with... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2009 at AVATAR
Paul Bowes is now following AVATAR
Dec 28, 2009
Paul Bowes is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 28, 2009
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