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Well there you go, I like that argument! I really wish you had just started with everything you just said. One of the things I've always liked about how Teehan grew their presence was how they are constantly adding value to the space. A new framework, an in depth look at how their work comes together, yada yada. Your original post was about creating a foil, I think. Which if you have a better way forward, that's a way more valuable conversation to have.
On incentives, not sure I buy that argument entirely. It makes sense if you are paid by the hour (which I'm not), or if you have essentially unlimited resources but you've reached the limits of what you can actually execute. 9 times out of 10, our budgets are what they are and we're simply defining the best way to allocate those resources to maximize the result. So we're okay taking 5% of a budget and spending it on analytics rather than making something or media because we believe that it'll make the other 95% perform better over time. Same goes for strategy, We're okay spending 5% on strategy because we believe that it'll make the rest of our outputs work better cumulatively.
Ultimately, the incentive for the agency is still to make better work because that is what gets us more fame, more awards, more clients and more profits. So bad agencies may be looking to add a few more short-term bucks, but most are probably just trying to balance resources. Either way, it is questionable enough to not make a blanket statement as to what all of our incentives are. Although, I would agree that it's probably more prevalent at digital shops, only because they are more often charging by the hour.
As far as not answering your statement about complexity - let me take another whack. I agree that the world is incredibly complex and we can't know everything, where we disagree is how then to approach it.
For me, we need to ask really specific questions and design around those. So industry, internal or brand dynamics are super complex, but it doesn't mean that we can ignore them. We just need to know what questions are important and develop a common foundation for how to think about them.
For the audience, we definitely need to consider different forms of research that pulls us away from communicating one key benefit to focus groups and then hoping they tell us the truth. There is unquestionably little value there. So we just need to explore better ways of understanding them, which it sounds like that's what you guys are after. It's an area we're playing with a ton, too. As are many agencies, which is why your insight here is important and valuable.
Then last thing about operating in complexity is increasingly pushing decision making down the line. Once you've worked through directional questions, you have to put tools in place for teams on the ground to make decisions without losing sight of the macro-objectives. Ultimately, giving the most flexibility to those who touch the customers the most is what allows us to stay effective and moving in the same direction when the realities of the market hit us in the face. Doing that takes strong leadership, common understanding across the organization and a whole bunch of trust. Which is part of what makes the strategic work so valuable.
Either way, it sounds like you are doing the upfront work, just more dedicated time, more focused on the audience and maybe without the client presentation in between. So that's good. Spending 2 weeks up front would be a long time for a project with fairly pre-defined output (like we have this objective and we need an app or a website). That's more time than I've usually gotten to get a project into the next phase. And again, i think that's good and important.
You made one statement that struck me as funny - that there's more than one way to get there. That's sort of my point, too. It's not an either or - you take parts of the old and the new and you apply them to the situation that sits in front of you. I just don't like the idea that problems we're running into have to conform to a specific process. Precisely because of that complexity. Sometimes our clients are getting decimated by a certain competitor or changing industry dynamics. You can't be slavish to one particular model unless you only want to think about one particular type of problem. And for me, I'm way to ADD for that.
And one more side note - I wasn't questioning your experience. You just mentioned that your characterization of strategy is how you were taught, so it sounded like that's what you were referring to. I was just widening the argument.
Good debate though, Eric. Happy to see you guys kicking some ass up there.
In Defense of Big Strategy
I'll start by saying - I have much respect for Teehan + Lax. Most of what they do makes me insanely jealous. Same goes for Eric. Super smart human. But I was a bit perturbed by their depiction of big strategy as being necessarily wrong-headed, wasteful and exclusive. Strategy at its core is si...
Hey Eric-
Those were the examples you used, so not sure what to tell you there. And you compared what you do at Teehan to other digital agencies without making the distinction that what you do today isn't the same job as you did before. And then you went on to accuse those agencies of doing the work they do only because they want to steal a few more bucks. Which is, of course, nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
I would also be careful to not overgeneralize your specific experience at Klick or TF with how everyone else does strategy. Some of the best work on the planet is getting done with a mix of old school and new school methods across agencies like Wieden, Goodby, BBH, etc. etc. It's not accident that some of the highest quality ideas developed today are happening at the shops with the highest quality strategy teams, too.
So a few points in response.
For point 1 - I would call all of those factors making things for real clients in the real world. So yes, internal culture is part of what we have to consider. It is also a reality for most companies on the planet. If your company philosophy is to avoid complex organizations or complex projects for organizations, that's fine. You just didn't make that distinction.
Second to that, you sound like you're making the case that research before building is unnecessary. Which frankly, whether Ideo or Ogilvy, they spend a lot of time understanding what it is they are trying to do before they start making. It may be a super inclusive and active process, but it's really hard to find those problems to solve without spending time defining them. To my prior point, you may solve a problem, but it could be inconsequential, wrong or just your own problem. Not a problem for the people you are making tools, experiences, whatever, for.
For point 2 - Is that not a fairly arbitrary line? Like we make stuff people actually use, too. if we're designing a loyalty program, that can be awesome enough that people enjoy it, talk about it, use it, yada yada. We engage both at the brand level and at a product level. Sometimes at the same time.
Either way, I really dislike the idea that a product and how you create demand for that product exist in two different planes of experience. It just gets back to that old mantra that advertising is the price of being boring, which isn't true and never has been true. Advertising is the price of scale and there is always and will always be a push and pull between the product and the expression of the brand. But you'd need some serious blinders on to diminish the real value that brands provide both companies and consumers.
We have 4 different brands we're building from the ground up in-house today, but all are built with a close eye on their cultural value and what and how they communicate, not some dogma that says marketing has to be a choice of one thing or the other.
As to your last paragraph, I agree with the failure of creating ideas that don't come to life. But usually that happens because we ignored all the other elements you dismissed earlier. You don't get things to move by ignoring the consensus you need to get things moving in most organizations. You can make the choice to work for lone entrepreneurs or dictatorships, but there are only so many of those to go around. It's just not reality for 95% of those you're preaching to. We need more people sharing the tools to make better work happen, not telling them to do something that won't work in most other organizations. At least not without making that distinction clear.
Again Eric, much respect for you and Teehan. And really, most of the conversations I've heard as a result of that article got to basically the same place. Teehan isn't a marketing agency and you are not trying to do methodical approaches to strategy that are more focused on understanding markets, making plans and the rest of it. And all of that is great. And I get it. And I root for you and Teehan's success, but my fundamental issue is that you never said that your company is trying to make something different. You said that most strategists dealing with entirely different problems than the ones you're trying to solve are wasting client money on purpose, and you backed it up with examples that only the crappiest strategist would ever consider to be something resembling strategy.
That said, I'm excited to learn the methods you guys are using to speed things along and jump directly into product development. I'm sure the rest of us will find ways to benefit from that conversation when we're dealing with the challenges we get juiced up about solving, too.
-The American
In Defense of Big Strategy
I'll start by saying - I have much respect for Teehan + Lax. Most of what they do makes me insanely jealous. Same goes for Eric. Super smart human. But I was a bit perturbed by their depiction of big strategy as being necessarily wrong-headed, wasteful and exclusive. Strategy at its core is si...
Congrats, feller. Don't screw it up. :)
My Kind of Town: New Job, Same Company
Over the past couple of years since joining Edelman, I've gotten into the habit of writing up a short post every time I celebrate an "Edelversary". For the rest of you, this is Edelman speak for a one year anniversary at Edelman. I've found it to be a great way to look back at what's been acco...
Thank you sir!
Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week
Over the last week, I have been fascinated by the concept of disruption. Everywhere I look I see fear and uncertainty – from political debate to economic prosperity. But I also see abundance – insight, creativity and persistence. And yet, we hold more tightly to the former and relinquish easily,...
Second that. Love me some Mike Arauz.
How Data Creates Collective Action
If you have not subscribed to Mike Arauz’s blog, then remedy this quick smart! Dig back through his writing and plunder his brilliant ideas and analysis. I am sure you will find more than one or two things you can use to dazzle your boss or your clients. But while you are doing this plundering, ...
Awesome! Thanks, Gavin!
Hope you're doing well over there!
Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week
The best of last week’s reads were heavily contested. I could have easily found 10 posts that would astound you. But in the end I stuck with the five – after all I know how busy you are. Some of these posts are longer than average, but they are dealing with some challenging issues. I trust you’l...
paulmcenany is now following Sari Stein
Sep 21, 2010
Dude, you rock man! Hope you have a blast while we kick your ass in all these pitches. :)
Won't be the same without you, Sean. But I know you'll be great at the TF, as usual. I'll just sit here and quietly envy your big corner office. :)
Never Say Never
First, I want to say what a joy it has been to be a part of the growth and changes at Twist Image. It's been an awesome journey with some wonderful peeps and a great list of awesome Canadian brands. In the year and half I've been there, we've gone from having no Strategy group to having one...
Nice, dude!
Measuring Twitter - You Gotta Be Kidding Me
Here's the scenario. You launch a twitter account around a product launch. It takes off like wildfire. But how do you go about showcasing the reach and re-tweet activity? Laughable, right? There are so many great tools out there. How hard can this be? Boy was I surprised. Not that there ar...
Your rock, Gavin! Thanks, man!
Five Must-Read Posts from Last Week
One of the things I like most about this weekly recap is having the chance (and the reason) to go back and think through what really impacted me during the previous week. It is easy to get carried away with a link or a cool new Facebook feature – but a few days on, it all fades into the genera...
Hooray for cursing! :)
What we REALLY know
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't say any more or less at this point about the following presentation. Other than to say it is filled with more nuggets per pound than anything I've read in the past 2 years. The Real Life Social Network v2 View more documents from Paul Adams.
That was absolutely awesome!
Launching a Movement, Not a Product
We often forget, when we are launching a product, that we don’t just want sales. Sure, they are great. But for a launch to be successful, it means not just getting your product or service “out there” – you’ve got to keep it out there. You’ve got to ensure that it has fuel enough to sustain it un...
paulmcenany is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I'm pretty sure you just called trivia one of your most masculine qualities. :)
On Thursday [25FEB] I'm heading over to the City College of New York to be the inaugural speaker for their MCA Ad/PR lecture series. I shall be talking about some of the things I've been thinking about recently to do with the effect of what we call technology on the advertising industry, and...
Dude, have you seen my desktop? I need multi-tasking... :)
iPad - Stemming the Flow of Complaints
I'm quite amazed at the whiplash from the tech-heads and geeks around the iPad. Is the name unfortunate? Yes. Does it do everything under the sun? Hell no and thank god! Will it be a game changer? Yes. No question. But, Sean, "It's just a large iTouch!!!" I hear this over and over. In...
I would like a pixie magnet.
10 Advanced Features I Want from Apple Tablet
To hear some commentators tell it, Steve Jobs is going to single-handedly save the newspaper industry with Apple's new tablet, which is rumored to be announced next week (Read Newsweek's Article: Five Ways Apple's Tablet May Change the World). I wish him, the newspaper industry, and the worl...
I'm sorry, it's really cold. And everyone is talking about how warm it is. So confusing...
Big News at Twist Image
Big things are afoot at Twist Image. Our 1980's website not included. I speak not of the cool work we're doing redefining influence or how brands can extend into social media. And I'm not talking about Twist Image being named one of the top 10 agencies of Canada (though that was cool too.) Nope...
Congrats, man! Can't believe how quickly time flies by...
The Servant of Chaos - Four Years On
On October 17, 2005, my first post on the Servant of Chaos blog went live. It was a poem and a position. It was a statement of intent. My aim was to write 999 theses – small entries each day. Obviously this has changed – and it comes down, largely, to those who read and comment here. I am consta...
For serious.
I do wonder what this will end up meaning for measurement, particularly when social media is often in the hands of ad agencies and interns, one of which doesn't measure anything, and the other that's only trained in measuring externalities, symptoms. Just like reach, frequency, click-through rates, or whatever advertising metrics train you to try and fix your advertising problem, worrying about how many likes, or youtube views, or your "return on influence" score, or whatever SM metric you choose probably focuses you on trying to fix your social media problem.
But with social media, I think that thinking will fade much more quickly. It's easier to cover up your fundamental problem with advertising when you can just buy more eyeballs, or different eyeballs, but you can't buy friends. So at some point, you gotta head down a different rabbit hole.
The Myth of Social Media Monitoring
Everyone wants to define how to best measure Social Media these days. Here's a video on how Digital Royalty says to measure Social Media. (h/t to Gavin)I actually spewed coffee out of my nose when Spider Man lady got to "Return on Influence". Here's how Sequentia Environics says to measure Social...
Wow. I'm sorry to see you go, man. I'll be looking out for the next LG incarnation, for sure.
Best wishes!
The Final Chapter (But Not the End)
Update: October 2, 2009--Although bizsolutionsplus has reached its last chapter, another blog will take its place sometime next year. The subject matter will focus on us humans, instead of on business. When it launches, I will announce it here and on Facebook. Meanwhile, enjoy the archive of mor...
But I like hamburgers... :)
Social media marketers are a shallow bunch
I'll warn you right now, this is a rant. And like all (good?) rants, it's kinda one-sided. So feel free to disagree. Feel free to prove me wrong... that's what comments are for. :-) Cholesterol-and-sodium mecca T.G.I. Friday's found themselves in the frying pan (if not the fire) this week for ...
Nicely said, Gavin. Love the idea of creating gravity.
I think I'll be noodling this a bit... :)
Paid or Earned Media - Making Gravity is Hard Work
Whether you are walking down the street, watching the TV, surfing the net or even driving a car, you are the subject of some form of advertising. From the branded cap on the boy walking down the street to the billboard behind him – marketing is hard at work trying to capture your attention. Cons...
You should check out Chrome dude. They basically did away with search bar and made url work for both. Can't wait 'til it's ready for prime time on the mac.
Death of the URL Bar
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch! Prediction: The URL bar will go away (as we know it.) We do not need two bars on our browsers. More users are using the search bar for everything. Because it always works. Type in a search term and bingo, you get the results you were looking for. Type in a URL...
Damnit! I want to go!
See Me Speak at the MarketingNow Conference
Some organisations are beginning to experiment with social media, while others feel that they are well advanced in their efforts. But if you are like me, you will know that there is always something new to learn or a new approach to consider. So, in a couple of weeks, there is a fantastic opp...
Great post. I'm a big fan of the reflective Mr. Heaton. :)
Who’s The Old Dude in the Mirror?
I can remember, even as a very young child, thinking that my parents were old. Really old. And they were giants. They could lift me off the floor with ease, stride across the room in moments and eat plates of food that were larger than my head. And later, when I was in my early twenties, I reali...
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