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Paul Oakley
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Your headline shows common sense Tim which is more than can be said for the home secretary: "The way we police in the UK is by consent." Perhaps Dave plans to "Nudge" those poor rioters into good behaviour.
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The answers to a question of this kind in the next ConHome survey would be interesting: "Would you support and campaign for a merged Conservative/Liberal party?"
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Don't be an arse. Whether he is or not is irrelevant. As a proud possessor of a foreskin I agree wholeheartedly with Rob.
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It's noticeable that Bercow only required him to withdraw the word "pipsqueak" and not "miserable". When can we get rid of this speaker?
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Unless Bill has changed his mind recently, that's not correct WHS. Sadly, he has not (yet) been persuaded by the monolith of arguments in favour of our inevitable withdrawal. In spite of this he remains the best man for the job.
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2010 on Cash '22 at CentreRight
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Quite right John. Bill Cash's knowledge of the intricacies of EU law and treaties is without compare. Certainly, he is far better informed than all recent Prime Minsters and Foreign Secretaries on European issues. The role of Parliament is to hold the executive to account. It is for this reason that there is no better candidate for the post than he.
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Agreed. I'm surprised at Phillip. A better and shorter PMB for him would be one repealing section 2 of the European Communities Act 1972. The burka is surely a matter for private policy not a sweeping public law. Banks and other institutions are already perfectly within their rights to refuse to serve customers with covered heads. As for the organs of the state, under existing guidance, passport photographs must be unobscured or the application will be rejected. Judges can and do refuse to hear witnesses who are covered up in this way. There is no doubt that the burka oppresses women. If it is banned, their menfolk will no doubt refuse to allow them out of the home thereby oppressing them even more.
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It will probably prove extremely difficult for them to be officially cleansed of racism. Without committing himself either way of course, HHJ Collins said at last month's hearing that the new draft constitution contained several possible areas of indirect discrimination. The case will be coming back before him next month for a substantive hearing, but expect the matter to run and run, legal fees and costs draining the BNP coffers all the while.
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Feb 14, 2010