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Debbie Pawle
Recent Activity
Thats some stove love the steel look, and some truck for that matter, I see we share the same taste in wine.
Loose ends
some loose ends i want to go Back to, Touch and tie in. But not tonight. The day was Big enough. Am sitting here naked in the heat. This truck sort of belongs to me. Sort of. It's title is in my name, i pay the insurance. But it still lives at the Old Cowboy's house. As long as he i...
Beautiful, rusty blue so compatable
a little blue magic
we are back from a wonderful week spent here I have been cooking up a little blue magic here and there... I hope you are having a happy summer!
Hi Grace, I checked for your yarn as well, all the cobwebs silks range of which this is one seem sold out. A similar range is available from Handweavers gallery in the uk and also Texere yarns but much more expensive. I'm sure you can get it over there somewhere.
a HOT work away day.
and where i work, this every other Monday, is a weaver. She weaves very delicate silk things. A while back she'd given me some thread scraps that she wasn't going to use and i am running out. I can see the cones they came from but can't navigate the website to actually Order some. If there...
I love this weave, it looks so soft, almost tangible, I want to touch it.
it is raining
a soft "woman" rain. Soft some, but wind too, but still a Woman Rain. Feeding. Giving. Soft enough to seep in. Seeping in. These are very good words for desert rain. Not the hard kind that runs off, but the softer kind that seeps in. Soaking. Seeping. then this. a weave of sor...
Debbie Pawle is now following Hazel
Jul 16, 2014
Lovely results would be a good way to use up old sheets as well, I could even eco dye them first, wow inspired again.
rag weaving and some spring
As a member of the OLG I do not only teach one or two workshops every other year but I even participate in some of them, whenever I find the time. This month a workshop called sakiori weaving (taught by wonderful Heather S) is going on and I was rather looking forward to it. (Japanese) rag weavi...
I agree with all of the above, nothing more to add except that the cloth called Home is truly beautiful. Looking forward to weave, checking daily.
something like Holding Breath
I tend to treat quilting as a kind of surface management. Even though its simple purpose is to connect layers. Maybe more about quilting and layers later. But just to say that this picture shows how, after waiting a while, the cloth held by the river of stitch has relaxed . Into the stit...
Loved your conversation and images and the way you work. Was also pleased to discover your other blog.
I find your work very inspiring and wish I could get the same depth of colour you achieve in your dyeing.
the gift of conversation
I am very pleased to share this conversation with the incomparable and amazing Glenys Mann of Fibre Arts Australia. In 3 weeks and 3 days I will have the pleasure of thanking her in person for bringing me to Australia. Please do check out these links and enjoy more conversations here.
Debbie Pawle is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 12, 2014
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