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She's just breakin it in!
Thank you for always making me cry with laughter!
Taryn is such a great kid, you have plenty to be proud of!
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on Nine! at Life with three divas...
Let me know if you want any help with that. Did you already go to Disneyland or is that in your near future?
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2010 on cat perch at Out My Back Window
Well of course you can toot your own horn about something like that! It turned out very nice. I like the color, too.
Jessica is now following Amber
May 3, 2010
We also had a Dell laptop and I think that eventually they all have that same problem with not charging. Suddenly you find yourself with a laptop that isn't so portable anymore. :-p I also feel like I need to connect with God a bit better. My Mother's Day present to myself is a brand new large quad to keep in my little reading nook and hopefully get some better "charging" every day.
That looks awesome, good job! Any cake I try to do would wind up on "Cake Wrecks." :-D
Hmm thought I'd see what it's like trying to leave a comment on this blog.
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2010 on the crud is upon us at Out My Back Window
Jessica is now following
Jan 2, 2010
Pretty picture!
Sorry that you have been sick, Amber. So I see that Taryn got some kind of retainer or gear? How's she likin it? We have been officially cleared to take Delaney to the orthodontist, yippeeeeee.
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2009 on Tree-Lighting Ceremony at Life with three divas...
Jessica has shared their blog Out My Back Window
Nov 22, 2009
Jessica is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 22, 2009