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I love Lucy Liu. She's the perfect brand ambassador.
Lucy Liu's the New Brand Ambassador for Bruno Magli Shoes
After a three year absence in the US market, Bruno Magli is back and Lucy Liu's showing shoe love. -PJ Gach Elementary's Lucy Liu has been named the brand ambassador for the newly relaunched Bruno Magli women's shoe line. She wore the nude suede pumps to their party this past winter in Soho. T...
I haven't been to a stadium and that one looks big and clean and great.
Visiting the Amazing New Marlin's Park in Miami, Florida
During my visit to Miami Florida in June 2015, I had the pleasure of attending a baseball game at the Marlins new stadium. This is a really new stadium that just opened in the spring of 2012. The Marlins were playing the New York Yankees that night and it was a sold-out game. I'm a Yankees fa...
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Aug 22, 2015
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