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Peachy Fuzz
San DIego
Well, if you've the poison, I've got the remedy.
Interests: Walking on the moon.
Recent Activity
Cheesecake Pops
It's 1:43 AM and I am starving. I know I won't be getting up from my bed anytime soon to make food so I decided to make it worse for me by going to FoodGawker. Too bad for the present me. Win! for the future me. I am not a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2011 at Walking on the Moon
Peachy Fuzz is now following Karena
Apr 11, 2011
Weekend Getaway
For my photo class, I needed to take landscape photos. So, boyfriend and I went to Joshua Tree on April 9, 2011. He had promised the night before that if it doesn't rain then, we would go. Well, California decided to be nice to me and help me out by... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at Walking on the Moon
What to say...
I know I should make some type of introduction. So here goes... I love photography. I try to be healthy. I used to hate running. My dog needs a haircut. I'm twenty-something years old. I will do my best to blog everyday. I plan to look back at the end... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at Walking on the Moon
Peachy Fuzz is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 10, 2011
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