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Our First Valentines day... I've never had a good valentines day, they were all so horrible i started to hate that day. My fiancee is in the army and is stationed in WA, which is on the opposite side of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2010 at Post the Love
Ashley added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 6, 2010
Ashley added a photo at Post the Love
I Love America and all the brave soldiers who sacrifice so much for this country!! Support the troops!
Feb 1, 2010
Ashley added a photo at Post the Love
When I first met LJ, I never thought things would trun out the way that they have. I never imagined that i'd end up falling in love with a soldier.... but I did. We've been together for almost a year and are gettin married this summer. When we first started hanging out, it was amazing how he could make me laugh and just how comfortable i felt around him. I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks after we started talking that i realized that I was in love with him, but here was the problem, he is in the Army and would be leaving soon. He told me that he knew how hard it was going to be for me and that he didn't want me to wait for him because of that, but I told him that wether he wanted me to or not, I was going to wait for him because he was the only person i wanted to be with. It is incredibly hard to be here without him. Going to movies with friends, seeing other couples together, having moments when I needed him but he can't be here. I never could have imagined how a piece of paper with some words on it, would mean everythin to me. A 5 or 10 minute phone call or web cam call has come the closest thing to being with him since he left. Its just absolutly amazing how he can be so far away and send me one little text, and it makes my day. I've honestly never felt like this about anyone before. I love him with everythin in my heart and I always will and I can't wait till the day comes where im in his arms again!
Feb 1, 2010
Ashley is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 1, 2010
Ashley is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2010