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Brooklyn, NY
Ryan Star is my homeboy
Recent Activity
Ryan...loved, loved, loved the interview and the message you are spreading. You're awesome and I'm glad to be on this journey with you.
CNN Interview From Today 10/21
This is beautiful Ryan. Anna will be loved and missed by everyone who knew her and was fortunate enough to have her in their lives. I know she'll still be at every show with us being as loving and as supportive as always.
Anna. You will be missed.
ryanandanna.bmp The biggest blessing I feel as a musician is getting to meet incredible people. I am sure if music did not exist I would find other ways to express myself beyond blaring guitars or singing
Peggy_HC is now following Ryan Star
Jul 21, 2009
Peggy_HC is now following Trey Bey
Jul 21, 2009
Peggy_HC is now following Sweetsassy
Jul 21, 2009
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