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how funny, amy! i had no idea :) i have been so into guacamole lately, not sure why...just made some fresh yesterday...yum!
Chew on this...
I just read in a little newsletter I get via email that... Today, November 14th, is National Guacamole Day. Make some healthy guac at home using just avocado, tomato, onion and a little lime juice! And I plan to do just that. YUM!
you found mind & now i found yours...he he! congrats on your 10 years...that's awesome :)
Where have YOU been...
I have been taking a break from being online soooo MUCH, lol!!! Plus, hubby has been gone all week for the past three weeks...boy, I am looking forward to this Thursday when he comes back gets hard to play...Mikiela tells me to "come botch T.B. Mama, come sit down here" I have t...
hi amy - thanks for sharing the link to your blog. hope you have fun w/the rest of your week off. i hear ya about the deadlines...ughh!
A tiny update
I wish I had something exciting to talk about...but it's been pretty mundane around here lately. My in-law's arrived Saturday we just hung out around the house visiting and stuff. Yesterday, we went shopping. The kids needed some fall/winter clothes, as well as shoes for church. S...
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