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Yes, please pop me in the draw- this is on my Amazon wish list :D
Denyse Schmidt's Modern Quilts book giveaway and Hat Shop giveaway winner
Denyse Schmidt provided one of my earliest introductions to the modern quilting movement. I love that she derives inspiration from vintage quilts and designs since these are dear to me already, but she cleans them up for the current quilter so that things look both familiar and fresh. I've gi...
I would make some felty buttony jewellery, or some felt plushies and stash away the buttons.... "my precious!"
Sponsor give away!
Tadaah! My blog has got a sponsor, which I am very proud to present to you today! I use A LOT of buttons for my pouches and tend to run out of kitty eyes and Helsinki-buttons. That is when I turn to Kirsty, she always has all the colours I need in her colourful Etsy supply shop BigFish. And if...
M is for Make is one of my favourite places for fabric eye candy... I think my current favourite there is the range of reproduction feedsack (man, I love feedsack)- especially the blue blossom!
Dandy by name, dandy by....
image ©Josephine Kimberling The fantastic 'Just Dandy' collection from Josephine Kimberling for Robert Kaufman is a beautiful mix of modern, graphic prints with vintage 1950's cross hatch, florals and dots. image ©Josphine Kimberling The collection is currently available from the lovely ... is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 12, 2011
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