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Today's guest post is by Peppercommer, Matt Purdue. Hi Your Royal Highness, Merry Christmas, or, as you say on the other side of the pond, Happy Christmas! How are the kids, George and William? Ha! Listen, I know it’s tough... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2013 at RepMan
Today's guest post is by Rachel Francis, pictured, an intern at Peppercomm client TGI Friday's. Rachel spent this week working at our Manhattan office, and here is her tale... I’m Alice, and New York City is Wonderland. Unfortunately, I have... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2013 at RepMan
Our entire industry should thank cable network TCM for airing classic segments from the legendary Johnny Carson Show. Entitled 'Carson on TCM', and hosted by Conan O'Brian, the classic segments display all of Johnny's brilliance. In fact, Conan himself said... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2013 at RepMan
Great analysis, Peter. Thanks. It’ll be interesting to see how each candidate bears up under the intense media scrutiny in the weeks to come.
Toggle Commented Jul 10, 2013 on Sleaze City, USA at RepMan
While I worry that most consumers and business executives alike seem to think PR is little more than stunts, some stunts ARE worth taking note of. Today's guest post comes from Bradley Taylor* who knows a thing, or two, about... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2013 at RepMan
I guess my short and long-term memory are both fading, Chris. Thanks so much for the nice note. Glad to know that P'comm was a good experience for you.
Toggle Commented Jul 10, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Thanks, Marian. You raised a critically important subject. I liken PR people as the Millennial children depicted in Ron Alsop's seminal work, 'The trophy kids grow up.' Our US PR employees show up, play nice and make warm, safe programs. Meanwhile, their edgy, irreverent peers in digital and advertising shops around the world knock down walls, take bold chances and explore new borders (and don't give a damn if they offend someone along the way). PR has become the Mr. Rodgers of integrated marketing. And, the cooler kids are seizing the future because we're too caught up with being politically correct. My kingdom for a PR trade journalist who will finally wake up and write an investigative piece about this Stepford Wives saga gone bad. Now.
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2013 on I dig Marian Salzman at RepMan
Today's guest post is by Peppercommer Chris Piedmont. Pick up a newspaper, tune into NPR (or Rush Limbaugh if you’re feeling adventurous), or turn on CNN. Chances are, at some point during the broadcast, there will probably be some mention... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2013 at RepMan
Great observations, Sam. I purposely avoided Salzman's 'ballsy' observation because I've met plenty of women who are a whole lot tougher and more creative than men. And, I agree that edgy ideas are gender neutral. What resonated with me, though, were her observations that our industry has become too feminized (and the numbers sure don't lie about that) and too politically correct. That's why I pointed the finger at trade journalists. A quick read of any PR trade publication would make one believe we work within a true Utopia (whereas the reality is quite the opposite).
Toggle Commented Jul 8, 2013 on I dig Marian Salzman at RepMan
With Eliot Spitzer's surprise announcement that he's running for New York City Comptroller, the Big Apple now has two disgraced former politicians running for office this Fall. What's next? Bill Clinton deciding he'd like a shot at Manhattan Borough President?... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2013 at RepMan
Today's guest post is by Peppercommer Matt Purdue. The Edward "Snowjob" Snowden affair is the most intriguing corporate espionage case since Alexander Graham Bell borrowed Antonio Meucci's plans for the telephone. As a review, Snowjob is the former government contractor... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2013 at RepMan
I'm pretty sure I've never met Marian Salzman, the CEO of Havas North America. But, I dig her. That's because, as far as I know, Marian's the first holding company CEO with the guts to go on record to state... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2013 at RepMan
They sure were in the late 1970’s, Syd. Truckers were a kinder, gentler lot than today’s thugs.
Fair enough. And, certainly true that I didn't understand the only limitations in life are the one's I placed on myself. So, if I knew then what I knew now...
Great quote. Brevity is in short supply these days. Tis the era of the passive, run-on sentence, Julie.
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Thanks for the note, Phil. You’re probably right.
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
The blog was not intended to be exclusive, Stephen. Sorry about that. For the record, I'm thrilled that departing employees feel empowered to share each, and every, high and low point of their time at P'comm. I just find it different. Not good or bad, just different.
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Heavy, man. Heavy. So, I must have missed the non-Millennial departure e-mail (probably fell asleep at my desk). Am I safe in assuming that, god forbid, you ever leave Peppercomm, your departure e-mail will be as laden with empty calories as the clients you represent?
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Thanks so much, Joe. Really appreciate it.
Duly noted, SJWR. That said, I'll stick with: 'Gone climbing. Permanently.' I think less is more.
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
And, in 1978, a guy named Ronald Reagan was contemplating another run at the White House. And the Red Sox blew a 14-game lead over the Yankees. And, I believe I was dating a woman named Angela Hetzel at the time (a former Miss New Jersey, thank you very much). Maybe youth is wasted on the young.
Will wonders never cease? I've surprised Ann Barlow? Wow. To answer your question, I've been open and engaging with employees for each of Peppercomm's 18 years. And, e-mail has existed that entire time. Yet, these departure e-mails are a very recent phenomenon. That's what surprises me. I think Sam Earl hit the nail on the head in his analysis. It's part of the DNA of our younger, Millennial employees. And, as other readers have posited, this trend is not limited to Peppercomm.
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Your analysis was well worth waiting for, Sam. Thanks. It does shed much-needed light on the subject. I do get it. But, allow me to ask the co-author of 'Spreadable Media' a question. Don't these office-wide missives violate a fundamental principle of successful social media engagement? Departing employees haven't listened first to know if: A) their audience wants to hear from them in this way. B) their audience will respond and engage as a result of the e-mail. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2013 on Gone climbing. Permanently. at RepMan
Yes, indeed Book. It's the very same tie. I kept it as a memento of my first day of work at Hill & Knowlton in 1978. The photograph was snapped during my first month at work (and used as part of a new business pitch to American Trucking Association). My first assignment was to try and convince the American public that truck drivers were safe, fuel conscious dudes.
I'll bet George Bernard Shaw had just gotten home after partying with a bunch of 50-something friends complaining of neck, knee and back issues when he penned his now classic quote, "Youth is wasted on the young." I’ll bet he... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2013 at RepMan