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San Diego
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Lauren added a favorite at Shack Attack
Jul 14, 2011
Lauren added a favorite at Shack Attack
Jun 29, 2011
As an update, I did eventually acquire this badge. I'm a bit addicted to foursquare (yet again), which is problematic, due to my need for wifi. I am still doing all of it with an iTouch. *le sigh*
Toggle Commented Mar 19, 2011 on Foursquare Badges at Lauren's blog
rickshaw- gin, mint + lime maple concord concord grapes, maple syrup + bourbon blood orange gimlet blood orange juice + gin peachy keen peach, basil + bourbon perfect margarita lime juice + tequila gingerSnap SNAP, bourbon, ginger + lime hello fall pear, rosemary + gin watermelon margarita watermelon juice, lime, mint + tequila subtle summer sake, lemon juice + cucumbers via Also included is New York in Love (whiskey & blood orange juice). I cannot wait to try these delicious cocktails myself: the only kind of cooking I can actually see myself achieving without an immense amount of stress.... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 31, 2010 at Lauren's blog
caramelized peanuts + macadamia nuts- oh boy, these are such a great snack! they’d be great served in little bowls at a cocktail party. be careful, they’re super addictive! honey wheat crackers – crackers are so easy to make! these go great with a little goat cheese. my favorite winter salad – the winter can be so dreary sometimes, but this little splash of green will brighten up any day. mini carrot cakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting – let’s be honest, spread some cinnamon cream cheese frosting on anything and it’s bound to be delicious, but these little cakes... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 31, 2010 at Lauren's blog
No, these aren't actually cupcakes. But they are individually-sized lasagne, made with a simple yet brilliant ingredient. Do you know what it is? Wonton wrappers! Little pasta-like sheets that are just the right size for a muffin pan. Kate of the great blog Framed came up with these small cups of lasagna. She cut circles out of wonton wrappers so they would fit neatly into the muffin pan (although, honestly, we think you could dispense with this step) and then layered them with lasagna filling. You don't even have to cook the wonton wrappers; you can find them pre-cooked in... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 28, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Series of clean packaging by Antrepo features simplified designs for Nutella, Pringles, Durex, Corn Flakes, Red Bull, and other popular brands. “Minimalist effect in the maximalist market” [more info, via] via This new marketing style warms my heart. I love the minimalist style. Now, if only I can apply it to my own life! Hmm... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 20, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Actually, this is not Hirst's site. I merely posted this to share some of the amazing work that he has done. I'm glad he is inspiring to you as well.
Lauren added a favorite at Shack Attack
Nov 11, 2010
Here’s a gem of a find by Brainpickings: Poet and singer-songwriter Tanya Davis and filmmaker Andrea Dorfman address the forgotten art of How To Be Alone — a beautifully hand-illustrated, simply yet eloquently narrated visual poem full of all these things we so often need to tell ourselves and believe, yet so rarely do. via Since I am still looking for a job, part-time or otherwise, I have many hours to spend alone in the City. I just love this poem, by Tanya Davis, which serves as a guide to those who are lonely and yearn for more. I... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 24, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Barista For checking in to 5 different Starbucks locations. Congrats – you’ve checked in at 5 different Starbucks! Be sure to pick up a double tall latte for your friend – I’m sure they’d do the same for you. via I just got my Adventurer badge today and found this nifty list of badges. The one that seemed to me to be the simplest badge to acquire (with an ipod touch, needing free wifi) is this Barista badge. Wrong. Turns out that there are hardly any Starbucks, if any at all, in the Sunset area. Weird. I guess I'll... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 23, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Burning your country’s flag is a big no-no, but what about eating it? Produced by WHYBIN agency for the Sydney International Food Festival, these edible country flags look delicious. Taste more at Thinkpossitive’s hub of design inspiration. via Such an amazing idea. With a previous post on foods by color, I'm sure you can see the general interest I have in food. I hope you can appreciate the creativity and artistry behind these art pieces that I find. And feel free to send along anything you find of interest as well. Thinkpossitive's query: "They seem to have not ventured... Continue reading
Reblogged Aug 14, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Lauren is now following Leahy Sdsu
Aug 1, 2010
[via coreena] It's been a tough couple of months and I have finally arrived at the conclusion that nothing will happen unless I up and move to the Bay Area, disregarding the fact that I have yet to lock down a job. Once I get there, I will do temp work until I am placed into a Seneca position or a teaching position. It's really difficult for me to make a decision like this when I am entirely unsure of the end results, but I cannot find a better solution for the life of me. I can't wait for my... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Wow! That's really impressive. How'd you like it, Kerry?
The report, commissioned by KIPP, debunked the argument that the schools succeed by "creaming" the best students from the districts they operate in. In fact, researchers said KIPP students are more likely to be low-income and black or Hispanic and, prior to their enrollment in KIPP schools, to have lower-than-average test scores in their local school districts. The study also found nothing unusual about attrition rates at KIPP schools; in other words, the schools are not pressuring weak students to leave in order to make the stats look good. What does set KIPP apart is the amount of time students... Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 20, 2010 at Lauren's blog
tacos_rebellion 2010-03-29 06:21 am UTC (link) via I'll post later tonight... I think. I hope this holds you over until then. Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 19, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Cool photo series by Linda Lundgren, a talented food stylist from Sweden, features different food products organized by their color. Enjoy! via This was found through a craft site (, found through The Daily What tumblr ( I love it when I find gems like this on the internet! Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 13, 2010 at Lauren's blog
My life over the past month. The un-blogged moments. Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2010 at Lauren's blog
Lauren is now following .tiff
Jul 6, 2010
Lauren is now following Writer Vixen
Jul 6, 2010
Lauren is now following The Photodiarist
Jul 6, 2010
Lauren added a favorite at i am baker
Jul 6, 2010
Lauren added a favorite at Shack Attack
Jun 24, 2010
The auction, entitled Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, broke new ground as the first time an artist has sold a bulk lot of work directly, bypassing art galleries who charge commission of up to 50 per cent of the sale price. “Cow” Monday’s auction also represented a new record for a sale dedicated to one artist, Sotheby’s said – it beat the previous record set in 1993 for 88 works by Pablo Picasso, which went for a total of $US20 million ($25.1 million). “Paradox” And it proved there is no shortage of art buyers even in the current economic gloom,... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 20, 2010 at Lauren's blog