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Peter Lavender
I'd love to be more proficient in all the things I do.
Recent Activity
This post is really just a record of what I've done to get to the point of graphing and displaying the weather info from my weather station. The weather stations reciever and display panel is hooked up via USB to the mediacentre, my MythTV box that never gets turned off.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2011 at Perl and anything else
Peter Lavender is now following Chip Salzenberg
Apr 30, 2011
Hazzah!!! It works. So the key thing here is in this post: And here is the key paragrah: === Hard links only work within the same filesystem because they are just additional names pointing to the same inode. The cpool and pc directories must live under the same mount... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Perl and anything else
I hurt my back lifting cement mix for the garden wall into the trailer, so I've taken the day, seen the oseteopath and bought "Linux Journal" for a bit of dead tree reading on the couch. While flicking through it I came across mention of backuppc as a good... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2011 at Perl and anything else
OK, so the plan is rsync. The execution, unknown. I get the feeling when I start these things I really need to get it right first time, however, given I am still trying to understand how the Thecus N4200 does things, I guess I should just get over that issue... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Perl and anything else
OK, so if I can't get anything else done I now have a NAS for home. For way too long family photos have resided on a single spindle, and yes, while some of the photos have been burnt to CD or DVD, many are, in fact, I'd say that many... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Perl and anything else
Peter Lavender is now following miyagawa
Mar 1, 2011
The perl script I'm going to use to read the weather stations data logger ( reciever ), uses the Device::USB module. To get to the point of installing this module on a "clean" system somethings need to be installed. To build the required binaries, we'll need to install the build-essential... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at Perl and anything else
Having finally got my weather station home, I ended up googling around to find out what, if anything was out there that would allow me to hook up the receiver via USB to a linux computer to start capturing all the data. It was good to see that it wasn't... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at Perl and anything else
As I said in my blog reboot entry, this is where I'm going to cover things I'm doing personally rather than dedicated to Padre, the Perl IDE. I'm still a perlwannabe at heart, so the blog names still fits. :) The story of the weather station starts many, many years... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2011 at Perl and anything else
I orginally created a blog account on vox to support the role of Release Manager, which I have still, with Padre, the Perl Progamming IDE. I chose vox for the simple reason that it was driven by Perl. After the closure of Vox though I had to find an outlet... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2011 at Perl and anything else
Peter Lavender is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 29, 2010