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Peter Goulding
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What a wonderful thought, that we're all being driven senselessly to an almighty clap of laughter. Wonderfully thought-provoking as usual.
1 reply
Remember cleaning the grate and setting the fire on winters mornings, feeling I was carrying on a great ancestral tradition. But I'm glad of central heating now...
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There's some wonderful images in here like the dark milk sap, the moon-stain and the star-pins. I actually think the short lines accentuate the vast all-encompassing nature of the night. I'm very impressed.
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Yes the glittering rags of moonlight works very well. Great personification of the trees.
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Yes, the sun walking home and the star pinning light back are great images but really the whole poem is full of wonderful snapshots
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The image of the furrows of a field being like a sea is a powerful one. But who is this Grace that you fell from?
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The second heart line could be seen as the crux of this poem. Really admire your restraint with the form and structure because this could have got away from you but you held it in expertly
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A quite wonderful chain of events and very well written. I'm delighted that the King of Cabbagetown got to retain the prized antique (at one point I thought he was going to be run over by the car) Great fun!
My imagination becomes an unruly child. Yes, you're right, Jen, a lot of imagery in this one. Cracking stuff!
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2010 on a magpie tale of a disrupted journey at realia
Now you know you can't leave us hanging Jen! Does he wake up the following day as a character in a Shakespearean play?
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2010 on a new magpie fairytale begins at realia
A salutory lesson to go around with your eyes and mind open. Often I find I'm not looking for beauty, yet it is there right in front of me. That Finland experience seems surreal.
Hi Jen, were you late posting this up last week? I came around a couple of times and you weren't around! Great tribute to your Dad. Thats a great gift he has. That's the kind of Dad I want to be...
Something that I, living in my own selfish world, would never dream of doing. That's a great feelgood post!
Toggle Commented Mar 22, 2010 on Magpie 6--Nails at pink poetry's blog
By God, missus, that second vignette is verging on the erotic. I'll treat my own hands with more respect in future. I wondered how you were going to end the gardening one! Very effective last line!
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2010 on magpie tales: touch my hand at realia
This is very deep. Peeling away the layers until what is left is barely recognisable. Scary!
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2010 on the offering at pink poetry's blog
As you say, its what remains unsaid! You had me laughing out loud!
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2010 on ten teeny tiny magpie tales at realia
Hmm - not sure if you're finding comfort in the sameness or bemoaning it? The tolling bell seems ominous to me but I daresay many would find comfort in its monotony. Interesting take!
Well, Jen, I was expecting she'd lose the weight or throw it away, her melancholy would go, she'd fall in love with the prince and live happily ever after. Totally bowled over by the last sentence, last word actually! Brilliant!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on the weight: a magpie fairytale at realia
My stomach lurched too! This is practically a horror story. Quite a kick at the end!
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on a magpie tale about a real find at realia
Last line is a gem but very clever to epitomise the failure of the relationship in the purchase of the object.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2010 on magpie tales and a story about beauty at realia
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Feb 16, 2010