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Phan Ha
Bronx, NY
I mentor in a college-guidance program called ReadySetLaunch. RSL specifically targets low-income students and mentors are undergraduates from Brown and Yale University. If you are a junior in the year 2010-11 and are interested, please contact me at "[email protected]" and I will give you more information on how to apply!
Interests: eating good food, hanging out with friends, and reading
Recent Activity
The Key to Surviving the College Application Process: Self-Initiative
Phan Ha is an alumna of Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics, a returning sophomore at Brown University, a LEDA Scholar and a New York Times Scholarship winner. (This in addition to being very cool in general.) She maintains an interest in the college admissions process and closing the achievement... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2010 at G & T: A Nexus for Teaching and Learning
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Jul 12, 2010
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