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Good for Environment especially tropics where Palm cultivation and Refining is high
Neste-led project verified 50% methane emission reduction at palm oil mills using belt filter press
Crude palm oil is one of the more than ten renewable raw materials that Neste uses to produce a range of renewable products, including renewable diesel. Palm oil represents approximately 20% of Neste’s renewable raw material usage annually. Neste has been exploring ways to contribute to impro...
Tested technologies need implementation and policy support
Study finds catalyzed gasoline particulate filters effective at reducing particulate and PAH emissions from GDI engines
A new study by researchers at the Bourns College of Engineering, University of California, Riverside (UCR) and colleagues at the Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association (MECA) has found that catalyzed gasoline particulate filters (GPF) are effective not only at reducing particulate mass, ...
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Feb 23, 2018
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