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Phil Ice
Recent Activity
Is Change Finally Coming to HED and Serious Analytics?
Last Friday there were a couple of vey interesting developments, related to the Senate Education Committee’s investigation of for profit education. The first came from the Chronicle of Higher Ed, in an article entitled, “Online and For-Profit Colleges Face Beefed-Up Aid Audits from Department of Education.” When this article first came out I couldn’t help but smile when I looked at the Twitter feeds. Everyone was broadcasting it as another level of scrutiny being applied to the for-profits. What no one seemed to be paying attention to was the AND in the title. Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2010 at Technostats
Corporate / Higher Ed Relationships
Last week, Adobe hosted their Education Leader's Summit in San Jose. This is the second year I have attended and have found it to be one of those events that you start looking forward to almost as soon as you return home. For a week, higher ed and k-12 practitioners meet to showcase projects they are involved in, learn about new solutions that Adobe is developing and provide feedback to product teams. Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2010 at Technostats
What is Data Worth to Higher Education?
As I mentioned in my last post, the ET4Online conference just ended and I received some very good feedback from attendees. However, I also received some comments that annoyed me just a little bit. Specifically, regarding some of the sessions I did on data driven decision making I had both face-to-face and email follow-up questions in which I was told something to the effect of the following: "I am from a state school with a tight budget and we simply can't afford to implement large scale data analysis."
You can't? Really? Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2010 at Technostats
Thoughts and Questions after the ET4Online Conference
The Emerging Technologies for Online Learning conference is now a wrap. Three and a half days in San Jose drew to an end yesterday and the last of the bleary eyed attendees are making their way to the airport this morning. Being conference Chair it's a little hard to be objective but looking back I think it was a very successful event and there are strong indicators that the vast majority of attendees plan to return next year and spread the word to their colleagues. However, I did pick up on one problem that I hope readers will comment on. Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2010 at Technostats
The Value Proposition in Conference Attendance
Whether of not advanced knowledge management techniques are utilized, the value proposition in leveraging insights gained from proactive faculty and staff activities at conferences is clear. Insights gained from interaction with the larger community should be fully exploited to capitalize on the university's most precious resource - the knowledge capital of its members. Far too many administrators are oblivious to the fact that conference attendance has the potential to be far more than vita padding or a type of fringe benefit that is the first line item to be cut in hard economic times. What they fail to realize is that dissemination of knowledge acquired in this setting is an organic engine for growth both intellectually and in terms of ROI. Fortunately there are a few enlightened institutions that are capitalizing on this model and hopefully they will catalyze change in academia. Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at Technostats
Excellent comments Gardner, but I would like to respond to three items.
1. You said, "But this line of reasoning assumes that the gold standard for teaching and learning is the status quo in higher education..." While those of us who are caught up in innovation don't want to think that this is the case, it is. Spend any amount of time talking to faculty trainers and they will tell you that the average faculty member is only interested in those technologies that require the least amount of effort to learn. Friedrich Nietzsche said, "To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence." And for most faculty members teaching with technology is disagreeable situation if it involves significant innovation. Remember, these are also the majority on faculty committees and those committees are the ones that ultimately make decisions when it comes to adoption of just about everything in the public universities. And for now the commercial platforms are the best at presenting the least disagreeable situation. Perhaps I am wrong, but show me an institution where the other 84% of faculty are demanding to work with cutting edge technology to facilitate eLearning.
2. I agree with your take on "Frankensteining." The creature that is built need not be a scary one or one that runs amok across the campus. I was using the term more generically.
3. Where will the next round of innovation come from? I think there are opportunities for it to come from both the for-profit and open source communities. The proprietary LMS providers could build a very sleek and elegant solution if they had the will and foresight. As I alluded to, all of the pieces are out there its just a matter of putting them together. The same of course is true for the open source community. For the former it requires vision and funding. For the later it requires organization. While there are some promising indicators and prototypes out there, no one has yet went all-in to make this happen and until someone does the the solution that is the most comfortable (which right now is Blackboard) has the run of the market.
Why Blackboard Might Be Good for Higher Education
First we hear that Blackboard is buying Elluminate and Wimba. Next comes the announcement of their partnership with Barnes and Noble. Then I start seeing tweets, blog postings and email chains in which some in academia are suggesting we start buying guns, gold and bottled water because the Apoca...
Why Blackboard Might Be Good for Higher Education
First we hear that Blackboard is buying Elluminate and Wimba. Next comes the announcement of their partnership with Barnes and Noble. Then I start seeing tweets, blog postings and email chains in which some in academia are suggesting we start buying guns, gold and bottled water because the Apocalypse is surely nigh. Rubbish, complete and utter rubbish. In fact, I believe that Blackboard's acquisitions are probably good for higher education, at least in the long-run.
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Posted Jul 15, 2010 at Technostats
Give the Senators What They Want - Data and Lots of It
The methodology and technology exist to “ensure that students are actually getting the knowledge and skills they need." Granted, facilitating this level of analysis would require a very high level of cooperation between institutions and significant funding, however, if it truly the national priority that was proclaimed in the recent hearings, then the means to execute should exist. While I am an eternal cynic, when it comes to politics, I think this time our politicians were right. Real and meaningful data is what is needed, so let higher education give the Senators what they want. The only reason not to is if Higher Education is truly frightened of being held accountable.
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Posted Jul 13, 2010 at Technostats
Boiling the Data Ocean
Despite the obvious need for using empirically driven measures to explore the eLeanring landscape and create informed solutions, there is still a strong reluctance to do so in the academic community. Sheltered by the traditions of Bologna and Oxford, academia refuses to view itself as an enterprise, but rather clings on the idea of the Professoriate being the center of wisdom. Thus, the pathway to change is not guided by fact, but the collective wisdom of those of us with letters denoting some form of doctorate following our name. Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2010 at Technostats
Phil Ice is now following Anne Derryberry
Jul 9, 2010
Phil Ice is now following Bryan Alexander
Jul 9, 2010
Greetings World
Before I put up my first official blog post I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I'm currently the Director of Course Design, Research and Development at APUS - American Public University System. So what does that mouthful of title mean? It means that I am a very... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2010 at Technostats
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May 24, 2010
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