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The retreat sounds great! When I tell people that I'm a writer I get so many responses like: "I have so many story ideas, I just haven't put them on paper yet." "I would love to write, I just don't have the time." "How do you come up with ideas?"
I try to tell people that they too can do it! Writing is just stringing words together and practice makes perfect. Don't be intimidated. If you are intimidated, don't show anyone your work. Don't show yourself your work. Just write! It's day 3 of nanowrimo, the perfect opportunity for people to pull out all the stops and put pencil to paper.
I look forward to hearing about your retreat this weekend.
walk into fire with us and write your heart out.
My recent writing rant was borne of a recognition that we spend more time talking about wanting to write than actually writing. We spend more time trying to be clever than just picking up our ordinary and writing. We spend more time on the shape of the outcome than on the process of discovery.... is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 3, 2010
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