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Phil Johns
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Phil Johns is now following Russ Jefferys
May 13, 2010
@ Russ: Interesting first article that makes a valid point. Companies who back up their brand with something of interest certainly do well which in some ways relates to James' comments... @James: Im not sure of the company that you work for and depending on target market my views may change however, taken note of Russ' first blog post I'de say that you should indeed be releasing SOME content of the books online in the form of PDFs. However, I think im with your boss on whether to release all of the content or not. In a greement with Russ, how about releasing the whole of your first chapter/section and then just paragraphs and quotes from others where interesting content is visible however without more information the user can't get anything out of them. Again, the idea of releasing say a chapter a week/month could prove beneficial, youde gain more followers as a business and the repeated traffic to your online content could benefit the company in many ways.
Toggle Commented May 13, 2010 on Bikini Blitz for Brands at Russell Jefferys
Phil Johns is now following The Typepad Team
May 13, 2010