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Phil Arrowsmith
Recent Activity
i think
figi again =]
o yeh have u got a bebo
Whoever can guess first wins a surprise? Where is...
Whoever can guess first wins a surprise? Where is the secret island I've been talking about? Put your answer under this post and first person to guess right wins. xoxo Paris
could u follow me on twitter paris
x x x x
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Phil Arrowsmith added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 19, 2010
that a goooooooooooood pic ;)
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Phil Arrowsmith added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 19, 2010
u had a good b-day thn gdgd
erm could u follow me on this and twitter :D my username for tht it
n have u got a bebo xxxx
Doug gave the most beautiful birthday speech to me...
Doug gave the most beautiful birthday speech to me at dinner in front of my family. So sweet! :)
if you see this paris could you follow me and do you have a bebo account - My Devassa Party - My Devassa Party
hii cud u follow me on this =]
and have a great dayy
@ParisHilton Paris, you mean the world to me<3
@ParisHilton Paris, you mean the world to me<3
he bbe great piccccc =]
if yuu read this could u follow me on this
and twitter
the username is
paris_is_fit ahaa coz u are obv x
No title
Phil Arrowsmith added a favorite at . Photos
Jan 20, 2010
i think she's really cool =] but wishes she wud...
i think she's really cool =] but wishes she wud reply on twitter :( haaha x Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Phil Arrowsmith is now following Paris Hilton
Jan 19, 2010
Phil Arrowsmith is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 19, 2010
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