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Phoebe Atwater
Recent Activity
Love this idea!
Advent Gifts Day 17 - Paint with Water Cards
I was in love with the "Paint with Water" books when I was a kid. These were books that had coloring book style images the had little faint dots of color on the black and white image. As soon as you touch water to them the page turns to water color paints. It was amazing and fun. I haven't seen ...
What a wonderful place! I LOVE the willy wonka room!
I Heart Philly
We spent the weekend in Philly. The tiny one danced in an Irish Dance Competition, then we walked around Chestnut Hill and spent Sunday at the Please Touch Museum. If you have kids and are in the Philly area the Please Touch museum is a must! We were there for 5 hours!!! The Elf made an appeara...
Amusing story :). The turtle is beautiful. Do you know what kind it is? You did stop to ask it before releasing it from the bucket right?? ;)
Jack and the Turtle
We have had a busy week here with dance, the start of school, photo editing, I really didn't need Jack getting a new pet. We have a rule in the house that Pets can not have Pets after a small incident where Aj started to take care of a mouse in the house, you know - feeding it and giving it wat...
Phoebe Atwater is now following A Geek In Glasses
Aug 23, 2011
Phoebe Atwater is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 23, 2011
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