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Flying above the mystical pines
Just another wanderer on a path of healing and over coming.
Interests: music, writing, books, metaphysics, stones
Recent Activity
My boss buys cake for everyone at the beginning of the month to recognize the birthdays for that month. He didn’t even know that strawberry cake was my absolute favorite thing as a kid, but there it was this AM, a small little chunk of strawberry cake, all for me.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
Lex gasped in alarm as cold water splashed over her face. Her fingers prickled, beginning to lose sensation, in the icy stream as she cupped her hands, collecting more water for her preferred wake up call. She found these days a tad bit easier if she began them shocked and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
Cassandra was six years old when she killed her grandfather. It was a sweltering summer day, the muggy air settling heavy into a typical Southern late afternoon rainstorm. Cassandra meandered along the gravel road leading to Moon's Willow, stopping every so often to study the paths of the working ants... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
Cassandra traced the letters along their sharp, cold edges. They were newly chiseled and scratched the pads of her fingers just lightly enough to make them feel real. B-E-L-O-V-E-D D-A-U-G-H-T-E-R Cassandra felt the truth in the stone, even though she could not read the words. She'd watched her parents grieve... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
"Nobody's dead here!" Cordelia Moon said sternly to the gossiping biddy disguised as a caring friend. The caller, shocked but undeterred, lifted up her apple pie offering once again. "We'll certainly keep your family on our prayer list during this time of loss," she said primly. Abruptly, Cordelia slammed the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
What began as a sing-song summons deep in my subconscious becomes a cacophony of calls, my name screamed, as my mind slowly surfaces. I blink into a shaft of sunlight breaking through the tall pines and immediately reach up for my kite girl necklace. My sigh of relief at its... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
I awake to a serpent's tongue flicking in my ear. I am paralyzed by the feel of the surrealistically rapid metronome on my eardrum, but my fear quickly begins to melt into my intuition as I register no rattling, no hiss, no sudden, startling, curved fang terror as a spade-shaped... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
Then you're in the right place! Here they are. The titles of the chapters are the prompts that were given as topics for LJ (LiveJournal) Idol. The most recently written stories are listed first, so if you are new to Cassandra, please read from the last entry up. Also, you... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Pine Grove Maw
She spends half of her time with the memories in her mind, while the other half's in chains, shackled by the guilt and shame that is not hers, that is not mine. --Christy Snow, Inner Child Today's title and prompt are taken from a heart-wrenching song called Inner Child. It's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
How strange the memory of a turning lock - watching the door knob, seemingly undisturbed, give way to a pocket knife pick, the lock turns silently, slowly - and the space of its revolution holds the hopes and fears of all my 7 years. There are gasps and scrambles on... Continue reading
Posted Aug 25, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
super cute!
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2010 on Lavender Splash at Splashes of Watercolor
~phoenix added a favorite at Splashes of Watercolor
Jul 28, 2010
In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we came from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness, and the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
This may be my favorite of your cards so far! LOVE this sentiment!
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2010 on She Pursued Big Dreams at Splashes of Watercolor
Love it!!!
~phoenix is now following daisy barringer
Jun 1, 2010
~phoenix is now following David Byrne
Jun 1, 2010
~phoenix is now following Natasha Newton
Jun 1, 2010
I dragged the clanging notion I was nobody, nobody...nobody. --Neko Case, Vengeance is Sleeping Today I heard this song for probably the 100th time, but processed the above line for the very first time. I was almost overcome with identification, an immediate awareness of my past self, both distant and... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
~phoenix is now following stephanievertrees
May 27, 2010
Truly, I am honored to have you along!
Toggle Commented May 26, 2010 on Introduction at Pine Whispered Legacy
pirate kitty says "Aye like it!"
It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands. --Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet Welcome to Pine Whispered Legacy. It is here I will write about my exploits, past and present, my thoughts, somber and funny, my relationships, challenging and... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at Pine Whispered Legacy
~phoenix is now following Broni
May 21, 2010