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Adam Hartung
Chicago, IL
Forbes blogger, CIO Mag columnist, Book author, speaker, consultant
Interests: Enjoy everything about helping companies grow. Spend free time golfing or doing something with my boys, who help Disrupt my life and give me lots of White Space for learning.
Recent Activity
No business can save its way to prosperity - not even an airline. To the contrary, constant cost cutting has driven AMR into bankruptcy. Unless its leadership focuses on innovation and better service, AMR will not survive. Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2011 at The Phoenix Principle
Great comments. This blog was reposted on, where it has created a lot of comments. It would be great if you folks could go there to add your comments, and join in a larger group of participants. Thanks for reading! And doubly thanks to those who take time to comment!
CIO Magazine today published my latest article for IT professionals "Why You Should Stop Worrying and Let End Users Have iPads." (note: free site registration may be required to read the full article) The editors at CIO agreed with me... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2011 at The Phoenix Principle
Summary: Too many leaders spend too much effort minimizing uncertainty Stock buybacks reflect fear of uncertainty, but are a losing investment Good performing organizations invest in new markets, products and services Success comes from not only investing, but in learning... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2011 at The Phoenix Principle
Interesting article. Check out my blog at: to learn my thoughts on job creation. Let's keep this conversation going!
1 reply
Interesting article. You might want to check out my blog at to explore scenario planning even further. Adam
Great blog entry. People and organizations are regularly locked-in to ways of thinking. These approaches serve them very well at one stage of the lifecycle, but becoming limiting as markets (and technologies) evolve. Work processes, metrics and culture become designed around the original ways things were done - and then it becomes very difficult to do something new. It takes more than just people who have a fresh look at an old problem to implement change. It takes an approach that addresses the lock-ins, and special teams with permission and resources to operate outside the old bounds. Developing the idea often takes much more effort than merely having it, and unless you have teams allowed and resourced to work in white space forward development will not progress. A blog dedicated to these issues, and overcoming them to grow is There's also a blog that addresses this topic at
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Mar 15, 2010
It's great news for Apple that we learn Steve Jobs has been out of commission with a liver transplant the same weekend we learn new iPhone sales exceed expectations by 33-50%. Shows that Apple is headed in the right direction. Read more at
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