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Interests: art, alternative art, outsider art, art brut, surrealism, neo-surrealism, beading, jewelry making, wire work, book arts, book binding, fabric and textile art, dollmaking, painting, drawing, digital images, literature, arthur rimbaud, sylvia plath, dante, classical literature, ancient cultures, history, hellenic era, medieval literature, medieval history, hagiography, catholic imagery, goddess, saints, our lady of guadalupe, middle ages, renaissance, old english, middle english, french literature, modernism, post-modernism, poetry, literary criticism, music, nine inch nails, led zeppelin, jeff buckley, human drama, pj harvey, jill tracy, jane's addiction, tool, godsmack, a perfect circle, dead can dance, jimmy page, altered art, altered books, collage, digital collage, watercolors, acrylic, atc, atcs, antonin artaud, susan sontag, jacques derrida, lord byron, shelley, keats, de quincy, yeats
Recent Activity
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Mar 15, 2010
Your work is always inspiring as is your spirit who has so lovling created this phenominal event.
Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am Lisa Swifka and I am not only the creator of this event I am also a participant like all of the others on the list! I am late in getting mine posted but in my mind 'better late than never' - right? I am so glad you've stopped by. Normally I'd offer you some...
Your Christmas journal is off the hook! I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season. Here is to a peaceful, joyous, and most blessed 2010!
I think this post is really mostly for me but it is also about the New Year 2010.
Hokey Smokes Bullwinkle! What a busy year! I have never done so much in a year as I did in 2009. Here's my word for the new year: I am going to keep an open mind about what it's going to mean when all is said and done next December. I made this thing here in facebook today. This to...
Superdupperyummy! Have a great time at Silver Bella. Expect a full report upon your return. xoxoxoxo
Week At A Glance.....In Photos.....
Last Week: Friday night BLISSFEST!! The Hostess, Kim Alber Domestic Bliss and Me: Tricia Vintage Bliss and Michelle Mosaic Queen: Suzi and her handsome hubby in some of my favorite new tee shirts u2rblessed Me (in piggy tails) and my girlfriend Maria The Junk Drawer ...
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