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Pilates Can
Griffith, ACT
At PilatesCan we provide a personalised, professional Pilates service delivered by a team of highly qualified and experienced Pilates instructors. All matwork instructors have a minimum of certificate IV in Pilates Matwork Instruction All studio equipment instructors have a Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction Our senior instructors have over 15,000 hours each in professional Pilates instruction and an Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method. What we do We provide a clinical focus, delivering Pilates in our relaxed and comfortable studio environments with a personalised friendly inclusive approach. We aim to create a friendly and comfortable environment for all our clients. This ensures your body will flourish, and nurtures quality professional relationships between clients and instructors. This is why many allied health professionals such as General Practitioners, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Chiropractors regularly refer and trust us with their patients. If you are a Pilates Instructor who may like to be involved with our team, or if you would like to become a Pilates instructor, please get in touch. Name: PilatesCan Address: 22 Franklin Street Griffith, ACT 2603 Australia Phone: 0419 777 477
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Jan 7, 2018