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Recent Activity
Krystal is now following Jane (sea of shoes)
Feb 1, 2010
Krystal is now following DWR
Feb 1, 2010
Krystal is now following MelleBelleShop
Feb 1, 2010
Krystal is now following Vintage Indie
Feb 1, 2010
Krystal is now following Bobbin Talk
Feb 1, 2010
Soo. I havent blogged in ages, kind of bad inoe...
Soo. I havent blogged in ages, kind of bad inoe but so much has been going on. 2010 was supposed to be a great decade, a new year, a fresh start, but it has kind of turned out to be a major flop: the death of my great uncle, falling out with close friends, college/school exhausting, family driving me bananas, work being worse than I could have imaged, and me, myself and I not being able to cope with all of this or being totally happy with the way I am: internally and externally. I just need a break, they... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Krystal's blog
Krystal is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 1, 2010
Krystal is now following Account Deleted
Jan 3, 2010
First Blog
Oooohkay. So im now officially entering the world of blogging, And i guess im kind of excited really. I've only ever had social networking sites like Piczo, MySpace, Bebo and Facebook so am I right in thinking this is going to be very different.? Ima start with the name is Krystal. Not Crystal, Cristal, or Khristal. Ima a LONDONER!!! WHOOO!!! Im 16 years of age. & im currently studying business studies, ICT and Textiles. Im a fun person and try not to take things to seriously because at the end of the day YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. Like Martin... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2010 at Krystal's blog
Krystal is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 3, 2010
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