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Sunflower Pipes
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The argument that allowed BP to drill in the gulf was that The Company would act in its own best interest according to its own profit motive. They then pointed out that they have some of the best scientists, engineers and oil rig experts in world, Therefore they would be able to drill safely at depths that far exceeded any than had been attempted before. This argument proved to be false. As a country we need responsible government regulation. Companies rise and fall and their only constant function is to make as much money as they can. By design companies have no responsibility to humanity, society , loyalty or the future any more than it serves its own interest. In order for this country to prosper in the future and pay off the national dept, we need to audit our relationship with every huge cooperation and make sure those relationships are responsible and fair.
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2010 on BP Oil Spill Questions at Obsidian Wings
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The fact that many millions of Americans have used pot has not translated into real political pressure on the people who can change the laws. One of the problems inhibiting legalization is that people who smoke a glass pipe are not considered serious or mature. It is this stigma that scares many pot users to hide that they utilize the drug. It is up to us to be public about our choices and to make sure our voices are heard by the ones that ultimately decide what the rules are.
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There are many persuasive arguments on why America should legalize medical marijuana, and the reasons are sound. However, even though many millions of Americans smoke a glass pipe or hit a bong it has not translated into real political pressure on the people who can change the laws. The last three presidents were admitted pot users and the same is probably true of the first three presidents as well. In the end it is up to us to be public about our choices and to collectively voice our opinions.
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Nov 18, 2009