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Pixeleen Mistral
Recent Activity
Prokofy: What you call “travelling on griefing posses along with the griefers as they proceeded to disrupt events and crash sims” is what call most people call reporting. Honni soit qui mal y pense
1 reply
a chatlog of Philip's visit to pornosophy: [22:08] Philip Linden: I am getting ready for a presentation with a live demo... [22:09] Philip Linden: for the national association of broadcasters. [22:09] Philip Linden: Big audience. [22:09] Shoshanna Shippe: thanks, the cig is from FNKY [22:09] Loglady Loon: uh ok philip! ^__^ [22:09] Shoshanna Shippe: :) [22:09] Huros Messenger is Offline [22:09] Philip Linden: Wish I could bring them here!!
1 reply
Flip - thanks for the Marty/Frank correction - its fixed now. I'm going to have another talk with Audrey in typesetting. - pixeleen
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