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Pixeleen Mistral
Recent Activity
What you call “travelling on griefing posses along with the griefers as they proceeded to disrupt events and crash sims” is what call most people call reporting.
Honni soit qui mal y pense
Op/Ed: Property Rights, Advertising, and Freedom in Second Life
by IntLibber Brautigan Advertising is a necessary part of Second Life, just like it is a necessary part of the internet. Advertising monetizes (i.e. makes profitable) an investment in a website or sim parcel that otherwise could not be. Why else does Linden Lab charge us to list classified ads i...
a chatlog of Philip's visit to pornosophy:
[22:08] Philip Linden: I am getting ready for a presentation with a live demo...
[22:09] Philip Linden: for the national association of broadcasters.
[22:09] Philip Linden: Big audience.
[22:09] Shoshanna Shippe: thanks, the cig is from FNKY
[22:09] Loglady Loon: uh ok philip! ^__^
[22:09] Shoshanna Shippe: :)
[22:09] Huros Messenger is Offline
[22:09] Philip Linden: Wish I could bring them here!!
Pornosophy and Philip Linden - The Renaissance of Porn Part 2
by Bunny Brickworks She called and they all followed. Loglady Loon is one of the most banned non-griefing avatars in SecondLife. She is highly disputed, either loved or hated and the creative mastermind behind Freak Show. The first exhibition of Freak Show was called Beauty vs. Paranoia and all...
Flip -
thanks for the Marty/Frank correction - its fixed now.
I'm going to have another talk with Audrey in typesetting.
- pixeleen
Stroker Serpentine Slams Linden Lab for Sexbed Blacklist
We almost never blacklist by Asset-ID, It's dangerous -- Data Linden by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A single Linden Lab staffer working after the Lab’s California-based offices closed may have been responsible for the Second Life sexbed breakdown that rendered thousands of residents...
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