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I am the fairy of fun!
Recent Activity
Such fun....I've always loved the photo stories and photo shoots you do!
Apple Caveys & the monster.
I surprised myself today by being in the mood for another blog post. xD I'll be honest... It's a good feeling to have! I'm so happy with how the Apple Cavey photos turned out; they're giving me the perfect reason to be a little creative. I received my three Apple Caveys a few weeks ago. As soo...
Pixiewildflower is now following Mopeder
Sep 25, 2010
Well said!
Is Barack Obama a good president?
Poll: Is Barack Obama a good president? I think he is doing the best he can. He is definitely not any worse than any of our previous presidents. Obama is going to have to show some guts to fix our fucked up country.
Pixiewildflower is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 25, 2010
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