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Crafting, Cooking, Designing + Gardening... sharing are a few of my favorite things!
Recent Activity
Thanks so much! I am thrilled :-). Have a great weekend!
Toggle Commented Apr 11, 2014 on diy burlap bunny at Plaid + Dots
I am so glad that you liked them! We loved the Pork Tenderloin as well and are trying the chicken/risotto this weekend. Stop by again for the weekly menu and thanks for commenting :-). Enjoy the weekend!
Toggle Commented Apr 3, 2014 on weekly menu : march 30 - april 5 at Plaid + Dots
Thanks, Pat K. I hope you try some of the other recipes featured on the weekly menu. Enjoy the day!
Toggle Commented Apr 2, 2014 on spring green salad at Plaid + Dots
Please do!!!
Pretzels are so much fun to make and my little girl had a blast making different shapes out of the dough. I forgot how rewarding it is to make them myself. You should totally do it again soon!
@[email protected] - We just went to the orchard and the basket size we picked up for the mums is the "peck" size. Hope this helps!
Thanks you, Monica, for your kind words. Motherhood is a wonderful gift and it is so fun to celebrate all of the milestones with my sweet little girl. I wish you the best :).
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2012 on ladybug birthday party at Plaid + Dots
Jeremy, it turned out pretty well but some things (sadly) didn't survive because of the hot summer. Overall, it's coming together nicely! What kind of roses did you plant?
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2012 on dreaming of my garden at Plaid + Dots
Thanks so much... it was a really fun party and the birthday girl seemed to enjoy it :-). I think she loved the balloons and frosting best of all though!
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2012 on ladybug birthday party at Plaid + Dots
Did you try the recipe? I'd love to hear how you like it and if you made any changes. Let me know how it goes and I hope you love it :-). Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again soon.
Doesn't it look great... I cannot wait to go apple picking and then make this recipe!
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2012 on Push Pin Fridays at Plaid + Dots
Yes, this is my first garden venture and I've really enjoyed watching everything grow. My daughter especially loves going out there to check on the plants. I thought marigolds were annuals? We're in the northeast so I am not sure if they would over-winter. Do you have any tips on how to keep them alive? I think they did wonders for our garden both from a pollination standpoint and a pest control standpoint.
Toggle Commented Aug 24, 2012 on garden is growing! at Plaid + Dots
Shona, I'll post a pic sometime this weekend. Sadly, we lost a bit of the garden while we were away on vacation. It was just too hot here and without much water the cucumber and zucchini died. I still have peppers, tomatoes, rosemary and basil growing strong which is good. Everything is starting to ripen and tastes really yummy! I especially am looking forward to some pesto with the basil as the crop is very healthy right now. If you have any basil recipes to share, I'd love to see them.. I am always looking for new recipes. Thanks!
Toggle Commented Aug 24, 2012 on garden is growing! at Plaid + Dots
Great question which I don't have the exact answer to... I just eyed the baskets at our local orchard and picked ones that I thought would fit my mums. Sorry for not having more details! When I buy them this year, I will reply back with the exact size.
Thanks! Come back again for more cool finds. Have a nice weekend!
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2012 on Push Pin Fridays at Plaid + Dots
Thanks! You should see it now (actually I'll post a pic later).. it looks like a jungle but in a good way. I've already harvested a few zucchini and the peppers and cucumbers are starting to bear fruit. It's so much fun to do!
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2012 on garden is growing! at Plaid + Dots
JLo... we made this last night and it was a hit! It is one of those drinks that I think would be good both hot and cold. Hope all is well!
Do you know how long you need to let it rot? Luckily I started my plants from seed so won't be planting them in the ground until they are ready (maybe in 2 weeks or so). How much time do you think I need to wait before planting? This is great.. thank you!
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on adventures with manure at Plaid + Dots
Good idea.. I have been putting our egg shells in our compost bin but ever thought of adding them directly to the soil. Thanks!
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on adventures with manure at Plaid + Dots
I hope so! I am a novice gardener who has relied on containers for herbs and a few tomatoes here and there so I am hoping my new raised beds will do wonders for my yields. Knowing that the manure is rich for the soil will hopefully make things work better. Any other tips from the farm? I'd love some other ideas... Thanks much!
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2012 on adventures with manure at Plaid + Dots
We served it with this Chipotle Pork dish from Cooking light and the whole meal was a hit. Enjoy!
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2012 on avocado + citrus salad at Plaid + Dots
I was just thinking about these pillows and how excited I am to pull these out for spring. They really make the space more cheerful. Thanks for visiting and come back again soon! Cheers!
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2012 on i heart fabric + making pillows at Plaid + Dots
Laura, I just visited your blog... very cool posting. I love how your photos of the candlelight turned out. How did you take them? They are beautiful!
That's great!!! Just wait ... there's more Valentine's day fun to come! Have a great weekend. xo, krsten
Thanks for visiting! It's such a fun time of year to craft... plus hearts are so easy to make especially with the kiddos :-). Have a wonderful weekend too!