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Plug103 is now following Team U101
Feb 2, 2012
Of all the new models several writers have suggested recently - this is the one that I like the best (not that that means anything at all!). It simply seems to make more sense to re-visit this model in light of new technologies.
Surely the guardianship, curation and dissemination of information is as much the responsibility of HE as the production of it? (ninja librarians)
I don't think it will solve certain problems - I can still imagine issues with closed peer review or other 'control' systems but it would be a definite starting point and perhaps better than 1000's of OJS's appearing everywhere without some discovery or cataloging?
Go for it...
Why it's time for the rebirth of the university press
<Image> A long time ago, well, before Simon Cowell was a household name anyway, universities used to run university presses. These would print journals and books. They didn't really make a profit, in fact they often made a loss. Their titles...
Plug103 is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 2, 2012
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